
Mark N. Ellingham

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20EEMark N. Ellingham, Adam Weaver: Constructing all minimum genus embeddings of K3, n. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 31: 293-298 (2008)
19EEDaniel P. Biebighauser, Mark N. Ellingham: Prism-hamiltonicity of triangulations. Journal of Graph Theory 57(3): 181-197 (2008)
18EEMark N. Ellingham, Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi: 2-Connected spanning subgraphs with low maximum degree in locally planar graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 97(3): 401-412 (2007)
17EEMark N. Ellingham, D. Christopher Stephens: The nonorientable genus of joins of complete graphs with large edgeless graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 97(5): 827-845 (2007)
16EEMark N. Ellingham, Chris Stephens, Xiaoya Zha: The nonorientable genus of complete tripartite graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 96(4): 529-559 (2006)
15EEMark N. Ellingham, Chris Stephens, Xiaoya Zha: Counterexamples to the nonorientable genus conjecture for complete tripartite graphs. Eur. J. Comb. 26(3-4): 387-399 (2005)
14EEMark N. Ellingham, Herbert Fleischner, Martin Kochol, Emanuel Wenger: Colorability of Planar Graphs with Isolated Nontriangular Faces. Graphs and Combinatorics 20(4): 443-446 (2004)
13EEMark N. Ellingham, Xiaoya Zha, Yi Zhang: Spanning 2-trails from degree sum conditions. Journal of Graph Theory 45(4): 298-319 (2004)
12EEMark N. Ellingham, Xiaoya Zha: Separating Cycles in Doubly Toroidal Embeddings. Graphs and Combinatorics 19(2): 161-175 (2003)
11EEMark N. Ellingham, Xiaoya Zha: The Spectral Radius of Graphs on Surfaces. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 78(1): 45-56 (2000)
10EEYair Caro, Mark N. Ellingham, J. E. Ramey: Local Structure When All Maximal Independent Sets Have Equal Weight. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 11(4): 644-654 (1998)
9 Mark N. Ellingham, Luis A. Goddyn: List Edge Colourings of Some 1-Factorable Multigraphs. Combinatorica 16(3): 343-352 (1996)
8EEMark N. Ellingham: Vertex-Switching Reconstruction and Folded Cubes. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 66(2): 361-364 (1996)
7EERichard Brunet, Mark N. Ellingham, Zhicheng Gao, Alice Metzlar, R. Bruce Richter: Spanning Planar Subgraphs of Graphs in the Torus and Klein Bottle. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 65(1): 7-22 (1995)
6EEMark N. Ellingham, Robert L. Hemminger, Kathryn E. Johnson: Contractible edges in longest cycles in non-Hamiltonian graphs. Discrete Mathematics 133(1-3): 89-98 (1994)
5EEMark N. Ellingham, Zhicheng Gao: Spanning Trees in Locally Planar Triangulations. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 61(2): 178-198 (1994)
4EEMark N. Ellingham, Gordon F. Royle: Vertex-switching reconstruction of subgraph numbers and triangle-free graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 54(2): 167-177 (1992)
3EEMark N. Ellingham: Isomorphic factorization of r-regular graphs into r parts. Discrete Mathematics 69(1): 19-34 (1988)
2 Mark N. Ellingham, Derek A. Holton, Charles H. C. Little: Cycles through ten vertices in 3-connected cubic graphs. Combinatorica 4(4): 265-273 (1984)
1EEMark N. Ellingham, Joseph Douglas Horton: Non-hamiltonian 3-connected cubic bipartite graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 34(3): 350-353 (1983)

Coauthor Index

1Daniel P. Biebighauser [19]
2Richard Brunet [7]
3Yair Caro [10]
4Herbert Fleischner [14]
5Zhicheng Gao [5] [7]
6Luis A. Goddyn [9]
7Robert L. Hemminger [6]
8Derek A. Holton [2]
9Joseph Douglas Horton (Joseph D. Horton) [1]
10Kathryn E. Johnson [6]
11Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi [18]
12Martin Kochol [14]
13Charles H. C. Little (C. H. C. Little) [2]
14Alice Metzlar [7]
15J. E. Ramey [10]
16R. Bruce Richter [7]
17Gordon F. Royle [4]
18Chris Stephens [15] [16]
19D. Christopher Stephens [17]
20Adam Weaver [20]
21Emanuel Wenger [14]
22Xiaoya Zha [11] [12] [13] [15] [16]
23Yi Zhang [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)