
Ernst-Helmut Horneber

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4EEG. Droege, M. Thole, Ernst-Helmut Horneber: EASY - a System for Computer-Aided Examination of Analog Circuits. DATE 1998: 644-648
3 Maximilian Erbar, Ingo Könenkamp, Ernst-Helmut Horneber: Solving the partial differential equations of transmission lines with wave digital filters. VLSI 1993: 241-250
2EEH. Warmers, D. Sass, Ernst-Helmut Horneber: Switch-level timing models in the MOS simulator BRASIL. EURO-DAC 1990: 568-572
1 Ernst-Helmut Horneber: Symbolische Lösung linearer Gleichungssysteme mit einem linearen Multiprozessorsystem. Elektronische Rechenanlagen 25(1): 20-27 (1983)

Coauthor Index

1G. Droege [4]
2Maximilian Erbar [3]
3Ingo Könenkamp [3]
4D. Sass [2]
5M. Thole [4]
6H. Warmers [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)