
Peter Hoonakker

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3EEMike Gallivan, Monica Adya, Manju Ahuja, Peter Hoonakker, Amy Woszczynski: workforce diversity in the IT profession: recognizing and resolving the shortage of women and minority employees. CPR 2006: 44-45
2EEPascale Carayon, J. Schoepke, Peter Hoonakker, Marla C. Haims, M. Brunette: Evaluating causes and consequences of turnover intention among IT workers: the development of a questionnaire survey. Behaviour & IT 25(5): 381-397 (2006)
1EEPascale Carayon, Peter Hoonakker, Segolene Marchand, Jen Schwarz: Job characteristics and quality of working life in the IT workforce: the role of gender. CPR 2003: 58-63

Coauthor Index

1Monica Adya [3]
2Manju Ahuja [3]
3M. Brunette [2]
4Pascale Carayon [1] [2]
5Mike Gallivan [3]
6Marla C. Haims [2]
7Segolene Marchand [1]
8J. Schoepke [2]
9Jen Schwarz [1]
10Amy Woszczynski [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)