
Mike Holcombe

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62EEChristopher Thomson, Mike Holcombe, Tony Cowling, Tony Simons, George Michaelides: A pilot study of comparative customer comprehension between extreme x-machine and uml models. ESEM 2008: 270-272
61EEChristopher Thomson, Mike Holcombe: Correctness of data mined from CVS. MSR 2008: 117-120
60EEMike Holcombe, Chris Thomson: Seven Years of XP - 50 Customers, 100 Projects and 500 Programmers - Lessons Learnt and Ideas for Improvement. XP 2008: 104-113
59EEMariam Kiran, Simon Coakley, Neil Walkinshaw, Phil McMinn, Mike Holcombe: Validation and discovery from computational biology models. Biosystems 93(1-2): 141-150 (2008)
58EENeil Walkinshaw, Kirill Bogdanov, Mike Holcombe, Sarah Salahuddin: Improving dynamic software analysis by applying grammar inference principles. Journal of Software Maintenance 20(4): 269-290 (2008)
57EENeil Walkinshaw, Kirill Bogdanov, Shaukat Ali, Mike Holcombe: Automated discovery of state transitions and their functions in source code. Softw. Test., Verif. Reliab. 18(2): 99-121 (2008)
56EEFlorentin Ipate, Mike Holcombe: Testing data processing-oriented systems from stream X-machine models. Theor. Comput. Sci. 403(2-3): 176-191 (2008)
55EENeil Walkinshaw, Kirill Bogdanov, Mike Holcombe, Sarah Salahuddin: Reverse Engineering State Machines by Interactive Grammar Inference. WCRE 2007: 209-218
54EEJ. S. Karn, S. Syed-Abdullah, Anthony J. Cowling, Mike Holcombe: A study into the effects of personality type and methodology on cohesion in software engineering teams. Behaviour & IT 26(2): 99-111 (2007)
53EERod H. Smallwood, Mike Holcombe: The Epitheliome Project: multiscale agent-based modeling of epithelial cells. ISBI 2006: 816-819
52EELiang Huang, Mike Holcombe: Empirical Assessment of Test-First Approach. TAIC PART 2006: 197-202
51EENeil Walkinshaw, Kirill Bogdanov, Mike Holcombe: Identifying State Transitions and their Functions in Source Code. TAIC PART 2006: 49-58
50 Andres Baravalle, Sarah Chambers, Siobhán North, Mike Holcombe: Open Source Software in the Desktop: The Perspective of the Public Administrations in UK. WEBIST (2) 2006: 39-44
49EESharifah Lailee Syed-Abdullah, Mike Holcombe, Marian Gheorghe: The Impact of an Agile Methodology on the Well Being of Development Teams. Empirical Software Engineering 11(1): 143-167 (2006)
48EEPhil McMinn, Mike Holcombe: Evolutionary Testing Using an Extended Chaining Approach. Evolutionary Computation 14(1): 41-64 (2006)
47EEKirill Bogdanov, Mike Holcombe, Florentin Ipate, L. Seed, Salim K. Vanak: Testing methods for X-machines: a review. Formal Asp. Comput. 18(1): 3-30 (2006)
46 Hubert Baumeister, Michele Marchesi, Mike Holcombe: Extreme Programming and Agile Processes in Software Engineering, 6th International Conference, XP 2005, Sheffield, UK, June 18-23, 2005, Proceedings Springer 2005
45EEPhil McMinn, Mike Holcombe: Evolutionary testing of state-based programs. GECCO 2005: 1013-1020
44EEFlorentin Ipate, Mike Holcombe: Using State Diagrams to Generate Unit Tests for Object-Oriented Systems. XP 2005: 214-217
43EESharifah Lailee Syed-Abdullah, John Karn, Mike Holcombe, Anthony J. Cowling, Marian Gheorghe: The Positive Affect of the XP Methodology. XP 2005: 218-221
42EEJohn Karn, Anthony J. Cowling, Sharifah Lailee Syed-Abdullah, Mike Holcombe: Adjusting to XP: Observational Studies of Inexperienced Developers. XP 2005: 222-225
41EEMike Holcombe, Bhavnidhi Kalra: Agile Development Environment for Programming and Testing (ADEPT) - Eclipse Makes Project Management eXtreme. XP 2005: 255-258
40EEAngela Martin, Steven Fraser, Rachel Davies, Mike Holcombe, Rick Mugridge, Duncan Pierce, Tom Poppendieck, Giancarlo Succi: XP/Agile Education and Training. XP 2005: 263-266
39EEBhavnidhi Kalra, Chris Thomson, Mike Holcombe: The Software Hut - A Student Experience of eXtreme Programming with Real Commercial Clients. XP 2005: 323-324
38EESusheel Varma, Mike Holcombe: Extreme Programming: The Genesys Experience. XP 2005: 327-328
37EESusheel Varma, Mike Holcombe: Shared Code Repository: A Narrative. XP 2005: 329-330
36 Petros Kefalas, Mike Holcombe, George Eleftherakis, Marian Gheorghe: Formal Development of Reactive Agent-Based Systems. Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (II) 2005: 1201-1204
35EEFlorentin Ipate, Mike Holcombe: Complete Testing from a Stream X-Machine Specification. Fundam. Inform. 64(1-4): 205-216 (2005)
34EEFrancesco Bernardini, Marian Gheorghe, Mike Holcombe: Eilenberg P Systems with Symbol-Objects. Aspects of Molecular Computing 2004: 49-60
33EEPhil McMinn, Mike Holcombe: Hybridizing Evolutionary Testing with the Chaining Approach. GECCO (2) 2004: 1363-1374
32EEDavid W. Bustard, Mike Holcombe, Ian Sommerville: BoF: New Directions in UK Software Engineering Research. ICSE 2004: 693-694
31EEMarian Gheorghe, Ioanna Stamatopoulou, Mike Holcombe, Petros Kefalas: Modelling Dynamically Organised Colonies of Bio-entities. UPP 2004: 207-224
30EEMike Holcombe, Florentin Ipate: Complete Test Generation for Extreme Programming. XP 2004: 274-277
29EEKirill Bogdanov, Mike Holcombe: Refinement in statechart testing. Softw. Test., Verif. Reliab. 14(3): 189-211 (2004)
28EEEleni Berki, Elli Georgiadou, Mike Holcombe: Requirements Engineering and Process Modelling in Software Quality Management- Towards a Generic Process Metamodel. Software Quality Journal 12(3): 265-283 (2004)
27EEFrancisco Macias, Mike Holcombe, Marian Gheorghe: A Formal Experiment Comparing Extreme Programming with Traditional Software Construction. ENC 2003: 73-80
26EEPhil McMinn, Mike Holcombe: The State Problem for Evolutionary Testing. GECCO 2003: 2488-2498
25 Florentin Ipate, Mike Holcombe: Testing Non-Deterministic X-Machines. Grammars and Automata for String Processing 2003: 151-162
24EEDuncan Jackson, Marian Gheorghe, Mike Holcombe, Francesco Bernardini: An Agent-Based Behavioural Model of Monomorium Pharaonis Colonies. Workshop on Membrane Computing 2003: 232-239
23EEMike Holcombe: XP after Enron-Can It Survive? XP 2003: 1-8
22EEJing Yuan, Mike Holcombe, Marian Gheorghe: Where Do Unit Tests Come from? XP 2003: 161-169
21EESharifah Lailee Syed-Abdullah, Mike Holcombe, Marian Gheorghe: Practice Makes Perfect. XP 2003: 354-356
20EEFrancisco Macias, Mike Holcombe, Marian Gheorghe: Design-led & Design-less: One Experiment and Two Approaches. XP 2003: 394-401
19EEFlorentin Ipate, Marian Gheorghe, Mike Holcombe: Testing (Stream) X-machines. Appl. Algebra Eng. Commun. Comput. 14(3): 217-237 (2003)
18EEFrancesco Bernardini, Marian Gheorghe, Mike Holcombe: P X systems = P systems + X machines. Natural Computing 2(3): 201-213 (2003)
17EETudor Balanescu, Marian Gheorghe, Mike Holcombe, Florentin Ipate: Eilenberg P Systems. WMC-CdeA 2002: 43-57
16EEFlorentin Ipate, Mike Holcombe: An Integrated Refinement and Testing Method for Stream X-machines. Appl. Algebra Eng. Commun. Comput. 13(2): 67-91 (2002)
15EEFlorentin Ipate, Mike Holcombe: Testing Conditions for Communicating Stream X-machine Systems. Formal Asp. Comput. 13(6): 431-446 (2002)
14 Joaquin Aguado, Tudor Balanescu, Anthony J. Cowling, Marian Gheorghe, Mike Holcombe, Florentin Ipate: P Systems with Replicated Rewriting and Stream X-Machines (Eilenberg Machines). Fundam. Inform. 49(1-3): 17-33 (2002)
13EETudor Balanescu, Marian Gheorghe, Mike Holcombe, Florentin Ipate: Testing Collaborative Agents Defined as Stream X-Machines with Distributed Grammars. ECAL 2001: 296-305
12 Florentin Ipate, Marian Gheorghe, Mike Holcombe, Tudor Balanescu: Testing Using X-Machine Translations. Words, Semigroups, and Transductions 2001: 211-229
11 Mike Holcombe: Computational Models of Cells and Tissues: Machines, Agents and Fungal Infection. Briefings in Bioinformatics 2(3): 271-278 (2001)
10 Kirill Bogdanov, Mike Holcombe: Statechart testing method for aircraft control systems. Softw. Test., Verif. Reliab. 11(1): 39-54 (2001)
9 Mike Holcombe, Tudor Balanescu, Marian Gheorghe, Paul Radovici-Marculescu: On Testing Generalized Stream X-Machines. Recent Topics in Mathematical and Computational Linguistics 2000: 130-141
8EEMike Holcombe: What are X-Machines? Formal Asp. Comput. 12(6): 418-422 (2000)
7EEFlorentin Ipate, Mike Holcombe: Generating Test Sets from Non-Deterministic Stream X-Machines. Formal Asp. Comput. 12(6): 443-458 (2000)
6EETudor Balanescu, Anthony J. Cowling, Horia Georgescu, Marian Gheorghe, Mike Holcombe, Cristina Vertan: Communicating Stream X-Machines Systems are no more than X-Machines. J. UCS 5(9): 494-507 (1999)
5 Kirill Bogdanov, Mike Holcombe, Harbhajan Singh: Automated Test Set Generation for Statecharts. FM-Trends 1998: 107-121
4 Florentin Ipate, Mike Holcombe: Specification and Testing Using Generalised Machines: A Presentation and a Case Study. Softw. Test., Verif. Reliab. 8(2): 61-81 (1998)
3 Florentin Ipate, Mike Holcombe: Another Look at Computability. Informatica (Slovenia) 20(3): (1996)
2 Mike Holcombe: An Integrated Methodology for the Specification, Verification and Testing of Systems. Softw. Test., Verif. Reliab. 3(3/4): 149-163 (1993)
1 Mike Holcombe: On the Holonomy Decomposition of Transformation Semigroups. Theor. Comput. Sci. 19: 99-104 (1982)

Coauthor Index

1Joaquin Aguado [14]
2Shaukat Ali [57]
3Tudor Balanescu [6] [9] [12] [13] [14] [17]
4Andres Baravalle [50]
5Hubert Baumeister [46]
6Eleni Berki [28]
7Francesco Bernardini [18] [24] [34]
8Kirill Bogdanov [5] [10] [29] [47] [51] [55] [57] [58]
9David W. Bustard [32]
10Sarah Chambers [50]
11Simon Coakley [59]
12Anthony J. Cowling [6] [14] [42] [43] [54]
13Tony Cowling [62]
14Rachel Davies [40]
15George Eleftherakis [36]
16Steven Fraser [40]
17Horia Georgescu [6]
18Elli Georgiadou [28]
19Marian Gheorghe [6] [9] [12] [13] [14] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [24] [27] [31] [34] [36] [43] [49]
20Liang Huang [52]
21Florentin Ipate [3] [4] [7] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [19] [25] [30] [35] [44] [47] [56]
22Duncan Jackson [24]
23Bhavnidhi Kalra [39] [41]
24J. S. Karn [54]
25John Karn [42] [43]
26Petros Kefalas [31] [36]
27Mariam Kiran [59]
28Francisco Macias [20] [27]
29Michele Marchesi [46]
30Angela Martin [40]
31Phil McMinn [26] [33] [45] [48] [59]
32George Michaelides [62]
33Rick Mugridge [40]
34Siobhán North [50]
35Duncan Pierce [40]
36Tom Poppendieck [40]
37Paul Radovici-Marculescu [9]
38Sarah Salahuddin [55] [58]
39L. Seed [47]
40Tony Simons [62]
41Harbhajan Singh [5]
42Rod H. Smallwood [53]
43Ian Sommerville [32]
44Ioanna Stamatopoulou [31]
45Giancarlo Succi [40]
46S. Syed-Abdullah [54]
47Sharifah Lailee Syed-Abdullah [21] [42] [43] [49]
48Chris Thomson [39] [60]
49Christopher Thomson [61] [62]
50Salim K. Vanak [47]
51Susheel Varma [37] [38]
52Cristina Vertan [6]
53Neil Walkinshaw [51] [55] [57] [58] [59]
54Jing Yuan [22]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)