
Julia E. Hodges

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17EEJeffrey C. Carver, Lisa Henderson, Lulu He, Julia E. Hodges, Donna Reese: Increased Retention of Early Computer Science and Software Engineering Students Using Pair Programming. CSEE&T 2007: 115-122
16EEMahmood Hossain, Susan Bridges, Yong Wang, Julia E. Hodges: Extracting Partitional Clusters from Heterogeneous Datasets using Mutual Entropy. IRI 2007: 447-454
15EEYong Wang, Julia E. Hodges: Document Clustering with Semantic Analysis. HICSS 2006
14 Yong Wang, Julia E. Hodges: Document Clustering using Compound Words. IC-AI 2005: 307-313
13 Julia E. Hodges, Yong Wang, Bo Tang: A Comparison of Methods for Web Document Classification. PRIS 2005: 154-163
12 Yong Wang, Julia E. Hodges: A Comparison of Document Clustering Algorithms. PRIS 2005: 186-191
11EEYong Wang, Julia E. Hodges, Bo Tang: Classification of Web Documents Using a Naive Bayes Method. ICTAI 2003: 560-564
10 Julia E. Hodges, Susan Bridges, Charles Sparrow, Govinda Weerakkody, Bo Tang, Chen Jun, Jason Luo: Assessing the Performance of a Waste Characterization Expert System. Applied Artificial Intelligence 15(4): 385-396 (2001)
9EEBruce Wooley, Susan Bridges, Julia E. Hodges, Anthony Skjellum: Scaling the Data Mining Step in Knowledge Discovery Using Oceanographic Data. IEA/AIE 2000: 85-92
8 Susan Bridges, Julia E. Hodges, Bruce Wooley, Donald Karpovich, George Brannon Smith: Knowledge Discovery in an Oceanographic Database. Appl. Intell. 11(2): 135-148 (1999)
7 Julia E. Hodges, Shiyun Yie, Sonal Kulkarni, Ray Reighart: Generation and Evaluation of Indexes for Chemistry Articles. J. Intell. Inf. Syst. 8(1): 57-76 (1997)
6EEShekar Ramanathan, Julia E. Hodges: Extraction of Object-Oriented Structures from Existing Relational Databases. SIGMOD Record 26(1): 59-64 (1997)
5EELois Boggess, Julia E. Hodges: A Knowledge-Based Approach to Indexing Scientific Text. HLT 1994
4EEJose L. Cordova, Julia E. Hodges: The automatic initialization of an object-oriented knowledge base. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 1992: 401-404
3EEJulia E. Hodges, Jose L. Cordova, William H. Graves, Charles R. Talor: An expert system for the recommendation of visual aids. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 4(2): 99-107 (1991)
2EERobert M. Aiken, Neal S. Coulter, Julia E. Hodges, Joyce Currie Little, Helen C. Takacs, A. Joe Turner: Continuing education activities of the ACM. SIGCSE 1988: 268
1EEJulia E. Hodges: An analytic model in the study of physical database reorganization (abstract only). ACM Conference on Computer Science 1985: 423

Coauthor Index

1Robert M. Aiken [2]
2Lois Boggess [5]
3Susan M. Bridges (Susan Bridges) [8] [9] [10] [16]
4Jeffrey C. Carver (Jeffrey Carver) [17]
5Jose L. Cordova [3] [4]
6Neal S. Coulter [2]
7William H. Graves [3]
8Lulu He [17]
9Lisa Henderson [17]
10Mahmood Hossain [16]
11Chen Jun [10]
12Donald Karpovich [8]
13Sonal Kulkarni [7]
14Joyce Currie Little [2]
15Jason Luo [10]
16Shekar Ramanathan [6]
17Donna Reese [17]
18Ray Reighart [7]
19Anthony Skjellum [9]
20George Brannon Smith [8]
21Charles Sparrow [10]
22Helen C. Takacs [2]
23Charles R. Talor [3]
24Bo Tang [10] [11] [13]
25A. Joe Turner [2]
26Yong Wang [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16]
27Govinda Weerakkody [10]
28Bruce Wooley [8] [9]
29Shiyun Yie [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)