
Chen Jun

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5EEChen Jun, Wang Lei: Improved Hierarchical Network Model Based on Pastry Scheme. WKDD 2009: 859-862
4 Zheng Hong-Yuan, Xie Qiang, Chen Wen-Liang, Chen Jun: Design and Implement of SD-Anycast Routing Protocol. Communications in Computing 2006: 47-53
3 Julia E. Hodges, Susan Bridges, Charles Sparrow, Govinda Weerakkody, Bo Tang, Chen Jun, Jason Luo: Assessing the Performance of a Waste Characterization Expert System. Applied Artificial Intelligence 15(4): 385-396 (2001)
2 Xie Li, Du Xing, Chen Jun, Zheng Yuhua, Sun Zhongxiu: An Introduction to Intelligent Operating System KZ2. Operating Systems Review 29(1): 29-46 (1995)
1 Chen Jun, Xie Li, Sun Zhongxiu: A Model for Intelligent Task Scheduling in a Large Distributed System. Operating Systems Review 24(4): 26-33 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Susan M. Bridges (Susan Bridges) [3]
2Julia E. Hodges [3]
3Zheng Hong-Yuan [4]
4Wang Lei [5]
5Xie Li [1] [2]
6Jason Luo [3]
7Xie Qiang [4]
8Charles Sparrow [3]
9Bo Tang [3]
10Govinda Weerakkody [3]
11Chen Wen-Liang [4]
12Du Xing [2]
13Zheng Yuhua [2]
14Sun Zhongxiu [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)