
Stefan Hiller

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10EEBenjamin Bustos, Oliver Deussen, Stefan Hiller, Daniel A. Keim: A Graphics Hardware Accelerated Algorithm for Nearest Neighbor Search. International Conference on Computational Science (4) 2006: 196-199
9EETilo Ochotta, Stefan Hiller: Hardware Rendering of 3D Geometry with Elevation Maps. SMI 2006: 10
8EECarsten Colditz, Stefan Hiller: Effiziente Repräsentation von Pflanzenpositionsdaten variabler Dichte. SimVis 2006: 129-142
7 Stefan Hiller, Carsten Colditz, Oliver Deussen: Spezifikation und Echtzeitvisualisierung von Vegetation und Landschaften. SimVis 2003: 115-128
6EEMichael F. Cohen, Jonathan Shade, Stefan Hiller, Oliver Deussen: Wang Tiles for image and texture generation. ACM Trans. Graph. 22(3): 287-294 (2003)
5EEStefan Hiller, Heino Hellwig, Oliver Deussen: Beyond Stippling - Methods for Distributing Objects on the Plane. Comput. Graph. Forum 22(3): 515-522 (2003)
4 Stefan Hiller, Oliver Deussen: Voronoi-Relaxierung allgemeiner Objekte. SimVis 2001: 223-234
3EEStefan Hiller, Oliver Deussen, Alexander Keller: Tiled Blue Noise Samples. VMV 2001: 265-272
2 Oliver Deussen, Stefan Hiller, Cornelius W. A. M. van Overveld, Thomas Strothotte: Floating Points: A method for computing stipple drawings. Comput. Graph. Forum 19(3): (2000)
1 Peter Lorenz, Thomas J. Schriber, Daniel Beier, Stefan Hiller: Web Support for a Simulation and Animation Course. SimVis 1998: 67-79

Coauthor Index

1Daniel Beier [1]
2Benjamin Bustos [10]
3Michael F. Cohen [6]
4Carsten Colditz [7] [8]
5Oliver Deussen [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [10]
6Heino Hellwig [5]
7Daniel A. Keim [10]
8Alexander Keller [3]
9Peter Lorenz [1]
10Tilo Ochotta [9]
11Cornelius W. A. M. van Overveld (Kees van Overveld) [2]
12Thomas J. Schriber [1]
13Jonathan Shade [6]
14Thomas Strothotte [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)