
Daniel Beier

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6EEDaniel Beier, Christian Thies, Mark Oliver Güld, Benedikt Fischer, Michael Kohnen, Thomas Martin Lehmann: Ein lokal-adaptives Ähnlichkeitsmaß als Kriterium der hierarchischen Regionenverschmelzung. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2004: 100-104
5EEDaniel Beier, R. Billert, Beat Brüderlin, Dirk Stichling, Bernd Kleinjohann: Marker-less Vision Based Tracking for Mobile Augmented Reality. ISMAR 2003: 258-259
4 Daniel Beier, Beat Brüderlin: Programmable features for CAD modeling. CAD 2002: 161-170
3EEThomas Ullmann, Daniel Beier, Beat Brüderlin, Alexander Schmidt: Adaptive Progressive Vertex Tracing in Distributed Environments. Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 2001: 285-294
2 Peter Lorenz, Thomas J. Schriber, Daniel Beier, Stefan Hiller: Web Support for a Simulation and Animation Course. SimVis 1998: 67-79
1EEJuri Tolujev, Peter Lorenz, Daniel Beier, Thomas J. Schriber: Assessment of Simulation Models Based on Trace-File Analysis: A Metamodeling Approach. Winter Simulation Conference 1998: 443-450

Coauthor Index

1R. Billert [5]
2Beat D. Brüderlin (Beat Brüderlin) [3] [4] [5]
3Thomas Martin Deserno (Thomas Martin Lehmann) [6]
4Benedikt Fischer [6]
5Mark Oliver Güld [6]
6Stefan Hiller [2]
7Bernd Kleinjohann [5]
8Michael Kohnen [6]
9Peter Lorenz [1] [2]
10Alexander Schmidt [3]
11Thomas J. Schriber [1] [2]
12Dirk Stichling [5]
13Christian Thies [6]
14Juri Tolujev [1]
15Thomas Ullmann [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)