
Jörg Heuer

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10EEAndreas Scholz, Christian Buckl, Alfons Kemper, Alois Knoll, Jörg Heuer, Martin Winter: WS-AMUSE - web service architecture for multimedia services. ICSE 2008: 703-712
9EEEvangelos Kotsovinos, Ingo Friese, Martin Kurze, Jörg Heuer: A Role-Based Architecture for Seamless Identity Management and Effective Task Separation. SEC 2007: 289-300
8EESiripong Treetasanatavorn, Uwe Rauschenbach, Jörg Heuer, André Kaup: Bayesian Method for Motion Segmentation and Tracking in Compressed Videos. DAGM-Symposium 2005: 277-284
7EESylvain Devillers, Christian Timmerer, Jörg Heuer, Hermann Hellwagner: Bitstream syntax description-based adaptation in streaming and constrained environments. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 7(3): 463-470 (2005)
6EESiripong Treetasanatavorn, Jörg Heuer, Uwe Rauschenbach, Klaus Illgner, André Kaup: Temporal video segmentation using global motion estimation and discrete curve evolution. ICIP 2004: 385-388
5EEHarald Kosch, Jörg Heuer: MPEG-7. Informatik Spektrum 26(2): 105-107 (2003)
4EEUlrich Niedermeier, Jörg Heuer, Andreas Hutter, Walter Stechele: MPEG-7 Binary Format for XML Dat. DCC 2002: 467
3EEAndré Kaup, Siripong Treetasanatavorn, Uwe Rauschenbach, Jörg Heuer: Video Analysis for Universal Multimedia Messaging (invited). SSIAI 2002: 211-
2EEJörg Heuer, André Kaup: Global motion estimation in image sequences using robust motion vector field segmentation. ACM Multimedia (1) 1999: 261-264
1 Jörg Heuer, André Kaup, Hans Burkhardt: Schnelle Bestimmung von Kamerabewegungen in blockbasiert codierten Videosequenzen. DAGM-Symposium 1998: 287-296

Coauthor Index

1Christian Buckl [10]
2Hans Burkhardt [1]
3Sylvain Devillers [7]
4Ingo Friese [9]
5Hermann Hellwagner [7]
6Andreas Hutter [4]
7Klaus Illgner [6]
8André Kaup [1] [2] [3] [6] [8]
9Alfons Kemper [10]
10Alois Knoll [10]
11Harald Kosch [5]
12Evangelos Kotsovinos [9]
13Martin Kurze [9]
14Ulrich Niedermeier [4]
15Uwe Rauschenbach [3] [6] [8]
16Andreas Scholz [10]
17Walter Stechele [4]
18Christian Timmerer [7]
19Siripong Treetasanatavorn [3] [6] [8]
20Martin Winter [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)