
Ralf Herwig

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5EEWitold E. Wolski, Maciej Lalowski, Peter Martus, Ralf Herwig, Patrick Giavalisco, Johan Gobom, Albert Sickmann, Hans Lehrach, Knut Reinert: Transformation and other factors of the peptide mass spectrometry pairwise peak-list comparison process. BMC Bioinformatics 6: 285 (2005)
4 Christoph Dieterich, Ralf Herwig, Martin Vingron: Exploring potential target genes of signaling pathways by predicting conserved transcription factor binding sites. ECCB 2003: 50-56
3EEChristoph K. Wierling, Matthias Steinfath, Thorsten Elge, Steffen Schulze-Kremer, Pia Aanstad, Matthew Clark, Hans Lehrach, Ralf Herwig: Simulation of DNA array hybridization experiments and evaluation of critical parameters during subsequent image and data analysis. BMC Bioinformatics 3: 29 (2002)
2EESteffen Hennig, Ralf Herwig, Matthew Clark, Pia Aanstad, A. Musa, John O'Brien, C. Bull, Uwe Radelof, Georgia Panopoulou, Albert J. Poustka, Hans Lehrach: A data-analysis pipeline for large-scale gene expression analysis. RECOMB 2000: 165-173
1 Ralf Herwig, Armin O. Schmitt, Matthias Steinfath, John O'Brien, Henrik Seidel, Sebastian Meier-Ewert, Hans Lehrach, Uwe Radelof: Information theoretical probe selection for hybridisation experiments. Bioinformatics 16(10): 890-898 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Pia Aanstad [2] [3]
2C. Bull [2]
3Matthew Clark [2] [3]
4Christoph Dieterich [4]
5Thorsten Elge [3]
6Patrick Giavalisco [5]
7Johan Gobom [5]
8Steffen Hennig [2]
9Maciej Lalowski [5]
10Hans Lehrach [1] [2] [3] [5]
11Peter Martus [5]
12Sebastian Meier-Ewert [1]
13A. Musa [2]
14John O'Brien [1] [2]
15Georgia Panopoulou [2]
16Albert J. Poustka [2]
17Uwe Radelof [1] [2]
18Knut Reinert [5]
19Armin O. Schmitt [1]
20Steffen Schulze-Kremer [3]
21Henrik Seidel [1]
22Albert Sickmann [5]
23Matthias Steinfath [1] [3]
24Martin Vingron [4]
25Christoph K. Wierling [3]
26Witold E. Wolski [5]

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