
Patrick Giavalisco

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2 Lothar Willmitzer, Camila Caldana, Alisdair R. Fernie, Patrick Giavalisco, Matthew Hannah, Henning Redestig, Dirk Steinhauser: Integrative Analysis of Transcriptome and Metabolome Data. German Conference on Bioinformatics 2007: 198-
1EEWitold E. Wolski, Maciej Lalowski, Peter Martus, Ralf Herwig, Patrick Giavalisco, Johan Gobom, Albert Sickmann, Hans Lehrach, Knut Reinert: Transformation and other factors of the peptide mass spectrometry pairwise peak-list comparison process. BMC Bioinformatics 6: 285 (2005)

Coauthor Index

1Camila Caldana [2]
2Alisdair R. Fernie [2]
3Johan Gobom [1]
4Matthew Hannah [2]
5Ralf Herwig [1]
6Maciej Lalowski [1]
7Hans Lehrach [1]
8Peter Martus [1]
9Henning Redestig [2]
10Knut Reinert [1]
11Albert Sickmann [1]
12Dirk Steinhauser [2]
13Lothar Willmitzer [2]
14Witold E. Wolski [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)