
Christian Herrmann

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8EELei Ma, Christian Herrmann, Klaus Schilling: Modeling and prediction of lung tumor motion for robotic assisted radiotherapy. IROS 2007: 189-194
7EEChristian Herrmann, Anvar Nurakunov: On Locally Finite Modular Lattice Varieties of Finite Height. Order 24(1): 31-37 (2007)
6EEChristian Herrmann: Corrigendum to "On the undecidability of implications between embedded multivalued database dependencies" [Inform. and Comput. 122(1995) 221-235]. Inf. Comput. 204(12): 1847-1851 (2006)
5EEChristian Herrmann: Corrigendum: Gluings of Modular Lattices. Order 23(2-3): 169-171 (2006)
4EEMarc Ebner, Christian Herrmann: On Determining the Color of the Illuminant Using the Dichromatic Reflection Model. DAGM-Symposium 2005: 1-8
3EEChristian Herrmann: Erratum: On the Contractions of Vectorial Lattice Representations. Order 22(1): 83-84 (2005)
2EEChristian Herrmann: On the Size of Boolean Combinations of Subgroups of Finite Abelian Groups. Order 17(4): 387-390 (2000)
1 Christian Herrmann: On the Undecidability of Implications Between Embedded Multivalued Database Dependencies. Inf. Comput. 122(2): 221-235 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Marc Ebner [4]
2Lei Ma [8]
3Anvar Nurakunov [7]
4Klaus Schilling [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)