
Jean-Michel Henrioud

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4 P. C. Stadzisz, Jean-Michel Henrioud: Integrated Design of Product Families and Assembly Systems. ICRA 1995: 1290-1295
3 Ke Chen, Jean-Michel Henrioud: Systematic Generation of Assembly Precedence Graphs. ICRA 1994: 1476-1482
2 Binbin Yin, Jean-Michel Henrioud: Adaptive Line Balancing for Flexible Assembly Systems. ICRA 1994: 1980-1985
1 Jean-Michel Henrioud, Viorel Mínzu: Systematic Method for the Design of Flexible Assembly Systems. ICRA (3) 1993: 56-62

Coauthor Index

1Ke Chen [3]
2Viorel Mínzu [1]
3P. C. Stadzisz [4]
4Binbin Yin [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)