
B. Roe Hemenway

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4EECyriel Minkenberg, François Abel, Peter Müller, Raj Krishnamurthy, Mitchell Gusat, Peter Dill, Ilias Iliadis, Ronald P. Luijten, B. Roe Hemenway, Richard Grzybowski, Enrico Schiattarella: Designing a Crossbar Scheduler for HPC Applications. IEEE Micro 26(3): 58-71 (2006)
3EECyriel Minkenberg, François Abel, Peter Müller, Raj Krishnamurthy, Mitchell Gusat, B. Roe Hemenway: Control Path Implementation for a Low-Latency Optical HPC Switch. Hot Interconnects 2005: 29-35
2EERonald P. Luijten, Cyriel Minkenberg, B. Roe Hemenway, Michael Sauer, Richard Grzybowski: Viable opto-electronic HPC interconnect fabrics. SC 2005: 18
1 Olav Solgaard, Asif A. Godil, B. Roe Hemenway, David M. Bloom: All-Silicon Integrated Optical Modulator. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 9(5): 704-710 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1François Abel [3] [4]
2David M. Bloom [1]
3Peter Dill [4]
4Asif A. Godil [1]
5Richard Grzybowski [2] [4]
6Mitchell Gusat [3] [4]
7Ilias Iliadis [4]
8Raj Krishnamurthy [3] [4]
9Ronald P. Luijten [2] [4]
10Cyriel Minkenberg [2] [3] [4]
11Peter Müller [3] [4]
12Michael Sauer [2]
13Enrico Schiattarella [4]
14Olav Solgaard [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)