
Hideo Hashimoto

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9EEKousuke Imamura, Masaki Hiraoka, Hideo Hashimoto: Moving Object Extraction by Watershed Algorithm Considering Energy Minimization. ACIVS 2007: 711-719
8EEKousuke Imamura, Yoshimasa Koba, Hideo Hashimoto: A Fast Matching Pursuits Algorithm using Sub-Band Decomposition of Video Signals. ICME 2006: 729-732
7EENoriyuki Minegishi, Junichi Miyakoshi, Yuki Kuroda, Tadayoshi Katagiri, Yuki Fukuyama, Ryo Yamamoto, Masayuki Miyama, Kousuke Imamura, Hideo Hashimoto, Masahiko Yoshimoto: VLSI Architecture Study of a Real-Time Scalable Optical Flow Processor for Video Segmentation. IEICE Transactions 89-C(3): 230-242 (2006)
6EEShinya Kako, Kousuke Imamura, Hideo Hashimoto: Matching pursuits using slant patterns and its dictionary design [video coding applications]. ISCAS (3) 2005: 2080-2083
5EEYuki Kuroda, Junichi Miyakoshi, Masayuki Miyama, Kousuke Imamura, Hideo Hashimoto, Masahiko Yoshimoto: A sub-mW MPEG-4 motion estimation processor core for mobile video application. ASP-DAC 2004: 527-528
4 Kousuke Imamura, Ahmed Swilem, Hideo Hashimoto: Fast VQ encoding algorithms using angular constraint. ICIP 2004: 3161-3164
3 Ahmed Swilem, Kousuke Imamura, Hideo Hashimoto: A high-speed codebook design algorithm for ECVQ using angular constraint with search space partitioning. ICME 2004: 371-374
2EEAhmed Swilem, Kousuke Imamura, Hideo Hashimoto: Fast search algorithms for ECVQ using projection pyramids and variance of codewords. ISCAS (3) 2004: 877-880
1EEKousuke Imamura, Ahmed Swilem, Hideo Hashimoto: Fast codeword search algorithm for ECVQ using hyperplane decision rule. ISCAS (2) 2003: 476-479

Coauthor Index

1Yuki Fukuyama [7]
2Masaki Hiraoka [9]
3Kousuke Imamura [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
4Shinya Kako [6]
5Tadayoshi Katagiri [7]
6Yoshimasa Koba [8]
7Yuki Kuroda [5] [7]
8Noriyuki Minegishi [7]
9Junichi Miyakoshi [5] [7]
10Masayuki Miyama [5] [7]
11Ahmed Swilem [1] [2] [3] [4]
12Ryo Yamamoto [7]
13Masahiko Yoshimoto [5] [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)