
Kenneth D. Harris

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5EEVladimir Itskov, Carina Curto, Kenneth D. Harris: Valuations for Spike Train Prediction. Neural Computation 20(3): 644-667 (2008)
4EEFrancesco P. Battaglia, Gary R. Sutherland, Stephen L. Cowen, Bruce L. Mc Naughton, Kenneth D. Harris: Firing rate modulation: A simple statistical view of memory trace reactivation. Neural Networks 18(9): 1280-1291 (2005)
3 Kenneth D. Harris: Closed Form Probabilistic Models of Time of Flight Sonar. ESM 1998: 427-434
2EEKenneth D. Harris, Michael Recce: Experimental modelling of time-of-flight sonar. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 24(1-2): 33-42 (1998)
1EEKenneth D. Harris, Michael Recce: Absolute localization for a mobile robot using place cells. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 22(3-4): 393-406 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Francesco P. Battaglia [4]
2Stephen L. Cowen [4]
3Carina Curto [5]
4Vladimir Itskov [5]
5Bruce L. Mc Naughton [4]
6Michael Recce [1] [2]
7Gary R. Sutherland [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)