
Eric Hao

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7 Eric Hao, Po-Yung Chang, Marius Evers, Yale N. Patt: Increasing the Instruction Fetch Rate via Block-Structured Instruction Set Architectures. International Journal of Parallel Programming 26(4): 449-478 (1998)
6EEPo-Yung Chang, Eric Hao, Yale N. Patt: Target Prediction for Indirect Jumps. ISCA 1997: 274-283
5EEEric Hao, Po-Yung Chang, Marius Evers, Yale N. Patt: Increasing the Instruction Fetch Rate via Block-structured Instruction Set Architectures. MICRO 1996: 191-200
4EEPo-Ying Chang, Eric Hao, Yale N. Patt: Alternative implementations of hybrid branch predictors. MICRO 1995: 252-257
3EEPo-Yung Chang, Eric Hao, Tse-Yu Yeh, Yale N. Patt: Branch classification: a new mechanism for improving branch predictor performance. MICRO 1994: 22-31
2EEEric Hao, Po-Yung Chang, Yale N. Patt: The effect of speculatively updating branch history on branch prediction accuracy, revisited. MICRO 1994: 228-232
1 Daniel Windheiser, Eric L. Boyd, Eric Hao, Santosh G. Abraham, Edward S. Davidson: KSR 1 Multiprocessor: Analysis of Latency Hiding Techniques in a Sparse Solver. IPPS 1993: 454-461

Coauthor Index

1Santosh G. Abraham [1]
2Eric L. Boyd [1]
3Po-Ying Chang [4]
4Po-Yung Chang [2] [3] [5] [6] [7]
5Edward S. Davidson [1]
6Marius Evers [5] [7]
7Yale N. Patt [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
8Daniel Windheiser [1]
9Tse-Yu Yeh [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)