
Charles Hannon

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11EEMichael Denkowski, Charles Hannon, Antonio Sanchez: Spoken Commands in a Smart Home: An Iterative Approach to the Sphinx Algorithm. MICAI 2007: 1025-1034
10EELisa J. Burnell, Antonio Sanchez, John W. Priest, Charles Hannon: The Crescent Lab: A smart home lab for students. ENC 2006: 55-61
9 Charles Hannon, Jonathan Clark: A Cognitive-Based Approach to Learning Integrated Language Components. NLUCS 2006: 27-36
8EECharles Hannon, Manfred Huber, Lisa J. Burnell: Research to classroom: experiences from a multi-institutional course in smart home technologies. SIGCSE 2005: 121-125
7 Edwin Wong, Lisa J. Burnell, Charles Hannon: An Active Architecture for Managing Events in Pervasive Computing Environments. FLAIRS Conference 2004
6EECharles Hannon, J. Richard Rinewalt: Addressing Security Issues in Geographically Distributed Systems. ENC 2003: 182-
5 Charles Hannon, Diane J. Cook: Exploring the Use of Cognitive Models in AI Applications Using the Stroop Effect. FLAIRS Conference 2001: 433-438
4 Charles Hannon, Diane J. Cook: Developing a Tool for Unified Cognitive Modeling Using a Model of Learning and Understanding in Young Children. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 10(1-2): 39-63 (2001)
3EECharles Hannon, Diane J. Cook: A Parallel Approach to Unified Cognitive Modeling of Language Processing within a Visual Context. Canadian Conference on AI 2000: 151-163
2 Charles Hannon, Diane J. Cook: A Parallel Approach to Modeling Language Learning and Understanding in Young Children. FLAIRS Conference 2000: 209-213
1 Diane J. Cook, Charles Hannon: Adaptive Parallel Search for Theorem Proving. FLAIRS Conference 1999: 351-355

Coauthor Index

1Lisa J. Burnell [7] [8] [10]
2Jonathan Clark [9]
3Diane J. Cook [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
4Michael Denkowski [11]
5Manfred Huber [8]
6John W. Priest [10]
7J. Richard Rinewalt [6]
8Antonio Sanchez [10] [11]
9Edwin Wong [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)