
Jiuqiang Han

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7EEQiang Zhou, Jiuqiang Han: Research of Time-frequency Analysis Method of Nonstationary Periodic Signal. RAM 2008: 941-945
6EELei Yang, Jiuqiang Han: Novel Shape-From-Shading Methodology with Specular Reflectance Using Wavelet Networks. ISNN (2) 2007: 646-655
5EEYong Wang, Jiuqiang Han: Minimax Probability Machine for Iris Recognition. ISNN (2) 2006: 34-39
4EEPengfei Liu, Jiuqiang Han: Gait Control for Biped Robot Using Fuzzy Wavelet Neural Network. CIS (1) 2005: 133-138
3EEZhenhua Yu, Yuanli Cai, Ruifeng Wang, Jiuqiang Han: pi-Net ADL: An Architecture Description Language for Multi-agent Systems. ICIC (2) 2005: 218-227
2EEPengfei Liu, Jiuqiang Han: Gait Synthesis Based on FWN and PD Controller for a Five-Link Biped Robot. MICAI 2005: 1012-1021
1EEYong Wang, Jiuqiang Han: Iris Recognition Using Support Vector Machines. ISNN (1) 2004: 622-628

Coauthor Index

1Yuanli Cai [3]
2Pengfei Liu [2] [4]
3Ruifeng Wang [3]
4Yong Wang [1] [5]
5Lei Yang [6]
6Zhenhua Yu [3]
7Qiang Zhou [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)