
Bo Han

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26EEBo Han: Zone-based virtual backbone formation in wireless ad hoc networks. Ad Hoc Networks 7(1): 183-200 (2009)
25EEZhuang Wang, Vladan Radosavljevic, Bo Han, Zoran Obradovic: Aerosol Optical Depth Prediction from Satellite Obsercations by Multiple Instance Regression. SDM 2008: 165-176
24EELi Li, Bo Han: A dynamical system method for solving nonlinear ill-posed problems. Applied Mathematics and Computation 197(1): 399-406 (2008)
23EEWenyan Wang, Minggen Cui, Bo Han: A new method for solving a class of singular two-point boundary value problems. Applied Mathematics and Computation 206(2): 721-727 (2008)
22EEBo Han, Bingfeng Zhou: High Speed Visual Saliency Computation on GPU. ICIP (1) 2007: 361-364
21EEYichuan Hu, Bo Han, Guijin Wang, Xinggang Lin: Enhanced Shot Change Detection using Motion Features for Soccer Video Analysis. ICME 2007: 1555-1558
20EEBo Han, Peter J. Keleher: Implementation and Performance Evaluation of Fuzzy File Block Matching. USENIX Annual Technical Conference 2007: 199-204
19EEBo Han, Weijia Jia, Lidong Lin: Performance evaluation of scheduling in IEEE 802.16 based wireless mesh networks. Computer Communications 30(4): 782-792 (2007)
18EEBo Han, Weijia Jia: Clustering wireless ad hoc networks with weakly connected dominating set. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 67(6): 727-737 (2007)
17EEHuazhu Song, Luo Zhong, Bo Han: Applying Sensitivity Analysis in Structure Damage Identification. FSKD 2006: 1318-1321
16EEBo Han, Weijia Jia: Efficient Construction of Weakly-Connected Dominating Set for Clustering Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. GLOBECOM 2006
15EELidong Lin, Bo Han, Weijia Jia: Modeling and Performance Analysis of Initial Connection in IEEE 802.16 PMP Networks. ICME 2006: 609-612
14EEYu Xu, Ping Li, Bo Han, Qinyuan Ren: Intelligent Rotor Speed Controller for a Mini Autonomous Helicopter. IROS 2006: 2918-2923
13EEBo Han, Lishan Kang, Huazhu Song: A Fast Cloud Detection Approach by Integration of Image Segmentation and Support Vector Machine. ISNN (2) 2006: 1210-1215
12EEBo Han, Zoran Obradovic, Zhang-Zhi Hu, Cathy H. Wu, Slobodan Vucetic: Substring selection for biomedical document classification. Bioinformatics 22(17): 2136-2142 (2006)
11EEHuazhu Song, Luo Zhong, Bo Han: Structural damage detection by integrating independent component analysis and support vector machine. Int. J. Systems Science 37(13): 961-967 (2006)
10EEBo Han, Lishan Kang, Huazhu Song: An Efficient Clustering Approach for Large Document Collections. ADMA 2005: 240-247
9EEHuazhu Song, Luo Zhong, Bo Han: Structural Damage Detection by Integrating Independent Component Analysis and Support Vector Machine. ADMA 2005: 670-677
8EEMan-Ching Yuen, Ji Shen, Weijia Jia, Bo Han: Simplified Message Transformation for Optimization of Message Processing in 3G-324M Control Protocol. ICCNMC 2005: 64-73
7EEWeijia Jia, Bo Han, Ji Shen, Haohuan Fu, Man-Ching Yuen: Efficient Implementation of 3G-324M Protocol Stack for Multimedia Communication. ICPADS (1) 2005: 599-605
6EEWeijia Jia, Bo Han, Ji Shen, Haohuan Fu: Next Generation Networks Architecture and Layered End-to-End QoS Control. ISPA 2005: 1055-1064
5EEBo Han, Weijia Jia, Ji Shen, Man-Ching Yuen: Context-Awareness in Mobile Web Services. ISPA 2004: 519-528
4EEWeijia Jia, Bo Han, Chuanlin Zhang, Wanlei Zhou: Delay Control and Parallel Admission Algorithms for Real-Time Anycast Flow. The Journal of Supercomputing 29(2): 197-209 (2004)
3EEKang Peng, Slobodan Vucetic, Bo Han, Hongbo Xie, Zoran Obradovic: Exploiting Unlabeled Data for Improving Accuracy of Predictive Data Mining. ICDM 2003: 267-274
2 Bo Han, Slobodan Vucetic, Zoran Obradovic: Reranking Medline Citations by Relevance to a Difficult Biological Query. Neural Networks and Computational Intelligence 2003: 38-43
1EEYixin Zhao, Xia Yin, Bo Han, Jianping Wu: On-Line Test System Applied in Routing Protocol Test. MASCOTS 2001: 331-338

Coauthor Index

1Minggen Cui [23]
2Haohuan Fu [6] [7]
3Yichuan Hu [21]
4Zhang-Zhi Hu [12]
5Weijia Jia [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [15] [16] [18] [19]
6Lishan Kang [10] [13]
7Peter J. Keleher [20]
8Li Li [24]
9Ping Li [14]
10Lidong Lin [15] [19]
11Xinggang Lin [21]
12Zoran Obradovic [2] [3] [12] [25]
13Kang Peng [3]
14Vladan Radosavljevic [25]
15Qinyuan Ren [14]
16Ji Shen [5] [6] [7] [8]
17Huazhu Song [9] [10] [11] [13] [17]
18Slobodan Vucetic [2] [3] [12]
19Guijin Wang [21]
20Wenyan Wang [23]
21Zhuang Wang [25]
22Cathy H. Wu [12]
23Jianping Wu [1]
24Hongbo Xie [3]
25Yu Xu [14]
26Xia Yin [1]
27Man-Ching Yuen [5] [7] [8]
28Chuanlin Zhang [4]
29Yixin Zhao [1]
30Luo Zhong [9] [11] [17]
31Bingfeng Zhou [22]
32Wanlei Zhou [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)