
Fraser Hamilton

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7EEHelen Petrie, Fraser Hamilton, Neil King, Pete Pavan: Remote usability evaluations With disabled people. CHI 2006: 1133-1141
6EEDavid Sloan, Andy Heath, Fraser Hamilton, Brian Kelly, Helen Petrie, Lawrie Phipps: Contextual web accessibility - maximizing the benefit of accessibility guidelines. W4A 2006: 121-131
5EEBrian Kelly, David Sloan, Lawrie Phipps, Helen Petrie, Fraser Hamilton: Forcing standardization or accommodating diversity?: a framework for applying the WCAG in the real world. W4A 2005: 46-54
4EEHelen Petrie, Fraser Hamilton, Neil King: Tension, what tension?: Website accessibility and visual design. W4A 2004: 13-18
3EEAlex Carmichael, Helen Petrie, Fraser Hamilton, Jonathan Freeman: The Vista Project: Broadening Access To Digital TV Electronic Programme Guides. PsychNology Journal 1(3): 229-241 (2003)
2EENick Bryan-Kinns, Fraser Hamilton: One for all and all for one?: case studies of using prototypes in commercial projects. NordiCHI 2002: 91-100
1 Fraser Hamilton, Hilary Johnson: An empirical study in using linked documentation to assist software maintenance. INTERACT 1995: 219-224

Coauthor Index

1Nick Bryan-Kinns [2]
2Alex Carmichael [3]
3Jonathan Freeman [3]
4Andy Heath [6]
5Hilary Johnson [1]
6Brian Kelly [5] [6]
7Neil King [4] [7]
8Pete Pavan [7]
9Helen Petrie [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
10Lawrie Phipps [5] [6]
11David Sloan [5] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)