
Alex Carmichael

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8EEAlex Carmichael, Mark Rice, Stephen Lindsay, Patrick Olivier: iTV as a Platform for Rich Multimedia Reminders for People with Dementia. EuroITV 2008: 308-317
7EEAlan F. Newell, John L. Arnott, Alex Carmichael, Maggie Morgan: Methodologies for Involving Older Adults in the Design Process. HCI (5) 2007: 982-989
6EEAlex Carmichael, Alan F. Newell, Maggie Morgan: The efficacy of narrative video for raising awareness in ICT designers about older users' requirements. Interacting with Computers 19(5-6): 587-596 (2007)
5EEAlan F. Newell, M. E. Morgan, Peter Gregor, Alex Carmichael: Theatre as an intermediary between users and CHI designers. CHI Extended Abstracts 2006: 111-116
4EEAlan F. Newell, Alex Carmichael, Maggie Morgan, Anna Dickinson: The use of theatre in requirements gathering and usability studies. Interacting with Computers 18(5): 996-1011 (2006)
3EEAlex Carmichael, Mark Rice, David Sloan, Peter Gregor: Digital switchover or digital divide: a prognosis for usable and accessible interactive digital television in the UK. Universal Access in the Information Society 4(4): 400-416 (2006)
2EEScott Milne, Anna Dickinson, Alex Carmichael, David Sloan, Roos Eisma, Peter Gregor: Are guidelines enough? An introduction to designing Web sites accessible to older people. IBM Systems Journal 44(3): 557-572 (2005)
1EEAlex Carmichael, Helen Petrie, Fraser Hamilton, Jonathan Freeman: The Vista Project: Broadening Access To Digital TV Electronic Programme Guides. PsychNology Journal 1(3): 229-241 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1John L. Arnott [7]
2Anna Dickinson [2] [4]
3Roos Eisma [2]
4Jonathan Freeman [1]
5Peter Gregor [2] [3] [5]
6Fraser Hamilton [1]
7Stephen Lindsay [8]
8Scott Milne [2]
9M. E. Morgan [5]
10Maggie Morgan [4] [6] [7]
11Alan F. Newell [4] [5] [6] [7]
12Patrick Olivier [8]
13Helen Petrie [1]
14Mark Rice [3] [8]
15David Sloan [2] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)