
Harri Hakonen

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10EEAntero Järvi, Harri Hakonen, Tuomas Mäkilä: Developer Driven Approach to Situational Method Engineering. Situational Method Engineering 2007: 94-99
9EEAntero Järvi, Tuomas Mäkilä, Harri Hakonen: Changing Role of SPI - Opportunities and Challenges of Process Modeling. EuroSPI 2006: 135-146
8EEJouni Smed, Henrik Niinisalo, Harri Hakonen: Realizing the bullet time effect in multiplayer games with local perception filters. Computer Networks 49(1): 27-37 (2005)
7EEJouni Smed, Harri Hakonen: Preventing Look-Ahead Cheating with Active Objects. Computers and Games 2004: 301-315
6EEJouni Smed, Henrik Niinisalo, Harri Hakonen: Realizing bullet time effect in multiplayer games with local perception filters. NETGAMES 2004: 121-128
5EELasse Bergroth, Harri Hakonen, Juri Väisänen: New Refinement Techniques for Longest Common Subsequence Algorithms. SPIRE 2003: 287-303
4EEJouni Smed, Timo Kaukoranta, Harri Hakonen: Networking and Multiplayer Computer Games - The Story So Far. Int. J. Intell. Games & Simulation 2(2): 101-110 (2003)
3EELasse Bergroth, Harri Hakonen, Timo Raita: A Survey of Longest Common Subsequence Algorithms. SPIRE 2000: 39-48
2EEHarri Hakonen, Timo Raita: A Family of Fast Constant-Space Substring Search Algorithms. Acta Cybern. 14(2): 239-250 (1999)
1 Lasse Bergroth, Harri Hakonen, Timo Raita: New Approximation Algorithms for Longest Common Subsequences. SPIRE 1998: 32-40

Coauthor Index

1Lasse Bergroth [1] [3] [5]
2Antero Järvi [9] [10]
3Timo Kaukoranta [4]
4Tuomas Mäkilä [9] [10]
5Henrik Niinisalo [6] [8]
6Timo Raita [1] [2] [3]
7Jouni Smed [4] [6] [7] [8]
8Juri Väisänen [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)