
Jean-Paul Allouche

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29EEJean-Paul Allouche, Narad Rampersad, Jeffrey Shallit: Periodicity, repetitions, and orbits of an automatic sequence CoRR abs/0808.1657: (2008)
28EEBoris Adamczewski, Jean-Paul Allouche: Reversals and palindromes in continued fractions. Theor. Comput. Sci. 380(3): 220-237 (2007)
27EEJean-Paul Allouche, Amir Sapir: Restricted Towers of Hanoi and Morphisms. Developments in Language Theory 2005: 1-10
26EEJean-Paul Allouche, Jeffrey Shallit, Guentcho Skordev: Self-generating sets, integers with missing blocks, and substitutions. Discrete Mathematics 292(1-3): 1-15 (2005)
25EEJean-Paul Allouche, Guentcho Skordev: Remarks on permutive cellular automata. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 67(1): 174-182 (2003)
24 Jean-Paul Allouche, Michael Baake, Julien Cassaigne, David Damanik: Palindrome complexity. Theor. Comput. Sci. 292(1): 9-31 (2003)
23EEJean-Paul Allouche, Jeffrey Shallit: The ring of k-regular sequences, II. Theor. Comput. Sci. 307(1): 3-29 (2003)
22EEJean-Paul Allouche, Guentcho Skordev: Schur congruences, Carlitz sequences of polynomials and automaticity. Discrete Mathematics 214(1-3): 21-49 (2000)
21EEJean-Paul Allouche, Jeffrey Shallit: Sums of Digits, Overlaps, and Palindromes. Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science 4(1): 1-10 (2000)
20EEJean-Paul Allouche: Transcendence of Formal Power Series with Rational Coefficients. Theor. Comput. Sci. 218(1): 143-160 (1999)
19EEJean-Paul Allouche, James D. Currie, Jeffrey Shallit: Extremal Infinite Overlap-Free Binary Words. Electr. J. Comb. 5: (1998)
18EEJean-Paul Allouche, Jeffrey Shallit: Generalized Perturbed Symmetry. Eur. J. Comb. 19(4): 401-411 (1998)
17EEBenoit Leblanc, Evelyne Lutton, Jean-Paul Allouche: Inverse Problems for Finite Automata: A Solution Based on Genetic Algorithms. Artificial Evolution 1997: 157-166
16 Jean-Paul Allouche, Fritz von Haeseler, Ehler Lange, A. Petersen, Guentcho Skordev: Linear Cellular Automata and Automatic Sequences. Parallel Computing 23(11): 1577-1592 (1997)
15EEJean-Paul Allouche, Fritz von Haeseler, Heinz-Otto Peitgen, A. Petersen, Guentcho Skordev: Automaticity of Double Sequences Generated by One-Dimensional Linear Cellular Automata. Theor. Comput. Sci. 188(1-2): 195-209 (1997)
14 Jean-Paul Allouche, E. Cateland, W. J. Gilbert, Heinz-Otto Peitgen, Jeffrey Shallit, Guentcho Skordev: Automatic Maps in Exotic Numeration System. Theory Comput. Syst. 30(3): 285-331 (1997)
13EEJean-Paul Allouche, Fritz von Haeseler, Heinz-Otto Peitgen, Guentcho Skordev: Linear Cellular Automata, Finite Automata and Pascal's Triangle. Discrete Applied Mathematics 66(1): 1-22 (1996)
12EEJean-Paul Allouche, André Arnold, Jean Berstel, Srecko Brlek, William Jockusch, Simon Plouffe, Bruce E. Sagan: A relative of the Thue-Morse sequence. Discrete Mathematics 139(1-3): 455-461 (1995)
11 Jean-Paul Allouche: Note on the Cyclic Towers of Hanoi. Theor. Comput. Sci. 123(1): 3-7 (1994)
10 Jean-Paul Allouche, Mireille Bousquet-Mélou: Canonical Positions for the Factors in Paperfolding Sequences. Theor. Comput. Sci. 129(2): 263-278 (1994)
9 Jean-Paul Allouche: q-Regular Sequences and Other Generalizations of q-Automatic Sequences. LATIN 1992: 15-23
8 Jean-Paul Allouche, Patrick Morton, Jeffrey Shallit: Pattern Spectra, Substring Enumeration, and Automatic Sequences. Theor. Comput. Sci. 94(2): 161-174 (1992)
7 Jean-Paul Allouche, Jeffrey Shallit: The Ring of k-Regular Sequences. Theor. Comput. Sci. 98(2): 163-197 (1992)
6 Jean-Paul Allouche, Jeffrey Shallit: The Ring of k-Regular Sequences. STACS 1990: 12-23
5 Jean-Paul Allouche, F. Dress: Tours de Hanoï et automates. ITA 24: 1-16 (1990)
4 Jean-Paul Allouche, J. Bétréma, Jeffrey Shallit: Sur Des Points Fixes De Morphismes D'Un Monoïde Libre. ITA 23(3): 235-249 (1989)
3 Jean-Paul Allouche, Péter Hajnal, Jeffrey Shallit: Analysis of an Infinite Product Algorithm. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 2(1): 1-15 (1989)
2 Jean-Paul Allouche: On a Sequence of Rational Functions. Theor. Comput. Sci. 65(2): 123-130 (1989)
1 Jean-Paul Allouche, Bernard Rande, Loÿs Thimonier: Fonctions Génératrices Transcendantes à Coefficients Engendrés par Automates. STACS 1988: 170-183

Coauthor Index

1Boris Adamczewski [28]
2André Arnold [12]
3Michael Baake [24]
4Jean Berstel [12]
5J. Bétréma [4]
6Mireille Bousquet-Mélou [10]
7Srecko Brlek [12]
8Julien Cassaigne [24]
9E. Cateland [14]
10James D. Currie [19]
11David Damanik [24]
12F. Dress [5]
13W. J. Gilbert [14]
14Fritz von Haeseler [13] [15] [16]
15Péter Hajnal [3]
16William Jockusch [12]
17Ehler Lange [16]
18Benoit Leblanc [17]
19Evelyne Lutton [17]
20Patrick Morton [8]
21Heinz-Otto Peitgen [13] [14] [15]
22A. Petersen [15] [16]
23Simon Plouffe [12]
24Narad Rampersad [29]
25Bernard Rande [1]
26Bruce E. Sagan [12]
27Amir Sapir [27]
28Jeffrey Shallit [3] [4] [6] [7] [8] [14] [18] [19] [21] [23] [26] [29]
29Guentcho Skordev [13] [14] [15] [16] [22] [25] [26]
30Loÿs Thimonier [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)