
Maryline Hélard

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9EEAhmad Al Amayreh, Jérôme Le Masson, Maryline Hélard: Blind Crosstalk Channel Identification in DMT-Based DSL Systems. GLOBECOM 2008: 3555-3559
8EELaurent Boher, Rodrigue Rabineau, Maryline Hélard: Analysis of CORDIC-based triangularization for MIMO MMSE filtering. ISCAS 2008: 948-951
7EELaurent Boher, Rodrigue Rabineau, Maryline Hélard: FPGA Implementation of an Iterative Receiver for MIMO-OFDM Systems. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 26(6): 857-866 (2008)
6EENicolas Le Josse, Laurent Boher, Christophe Laot, Karine Amis, Maryline Hélard: Frequency-Domain Turbo Equalization for OFDM and Single-Carrier Transmission in ST-BICM Systems. GLOBECOM 2007: 3421-3426
5EEMamdouh El Tabach, Jean-Philippe Javaudin, Maryline Hélard: Spatial Data Multiplexing Over OFDM/OQAM Modulations. ICC 2007: 4201-4206
4EELaurent Boher, Maryline Hélard, Rodrigue Rabineau: Turbo-Coded MIMO Iterative Receiver with Bit Per Bit Interference Cancellation for M-QAM Gray Mapping Modulation. VTC Spring 2007: 2394-2398
3EEFabrice Portier, R. Legouable, L. Maret, F. Bauer, N. Neda, Jean-François Hélard, E. Hemming, M. Des Noes, Maryline Hélard: Performance comparison of multi-user detectors for the downlink of a broadband MC-CDMA system CoRR abs/cs/0606117: (2006)
2EEPierre-Jean Bouvet, Maryline Hélard, Vincent Le Nir: Low complexity iterative receiver for non-orthogonal space-time block code with channel coding. VTC Fall (2) 2004: 1289-1293
1 David Mottier, Maryline Hélard, Joel Labat: Self-Adaptive Decision Feedback Equalization: Application to High-Order QAM Signals. ICC (2) 1997: 1100-1104

Coauthor Index

1Ahmad Al Amayreh [9]
2Karine Amis [6]
3F. Bauer [3]
4Laurent Boher [4] [6] [7] [8]
5Pierre-Jean Bouvet [2]
6Jean-François Hélard [3]
7E. Hemming [3]
8Jean-Philippe Javaudin [5]
9Nicolas Le Josse [6]
10Joel Labat [1]
11Christophe Laot [6]
12R. Legouable [3]
13L. Maret [3]
14Jérôme Le Masson [9]
15David Mottier [1]
16N. Neda [3]
17Vincent Le Nir [2]
18M. Des Noes [3]
19Fabrice Portier [3]
20Rodrigue Rabineau [4] [7] [8]
21Mamdouh El Tabach [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)