
Michael Gurevich

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7EEA. Cavan Fyans, Michael Gurevich, Paul Stapleton: Spectator understanding of error in performance. CHI Extended Abstracts 2009: 3955-3960
6EEMichael Gurevich: JamSpace: a networked real-time collaborative music environment. CHI Extended Abstracts 2006: 821-826
5EEMichael Gurevich: JamSpace: Designing A Collaborative Networked Music Space for Novices. NIME 2006: 118-123
4EEScott Wilson, Michael Gurevich, Bill Verplank, Pascal Stang: Microcontrollers in Music HCI Instruction - Reflections on our Switch to the Atmel AVR Platform. NIME 2003: 24-29
3EEBill Verplank, Michael Gurevich, Max Mathews: The PLANK: Designing a simple Haptic Controller. NIME 2002: 33-36
2 Michael Gurevich: The Accordiatron. NIME 2001
1EEMichael Gurevich, Stephan von Muehlen: The Accordiatron: A MIDI Controller For Interactive Music. NIME 2001

Coauthor Index

1A. Cavan Fyans [7]
2Max Mathews [3]
3Stephan von Muehlen [1]
4Pascal Stang [4]
5Paul Stapleton [7]
6Bill Verplank (William Verplank) [3] [4]
7Scott Wilson [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)