
Alessio Guerri

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13EEMartino Ruggiero, Alessio Guerri, Davide Bertozzi, Michela Milano, Luca Benini: A Fast and Accurate Technique for Mapping Parallel Applications on Stream-Oriented MPSoC Platforms with Communication Awareness. International Journal of Parallel Programming 36(1): 3-36 (2008)
12EELuca Benini, Davide Bertozzi, Alessio Guerri, Michela Milano: Allocation, Scheduling and Voltage Scaling on Energy Aware MPSoCs. CPAIOR 2006: 44-58
11EEMartino Ruggiero, Alessio Guerri, Davide Bertozzi, Francesco Poletti, Michela Milano: Communication-aware allocation and scheduling framework for stream-oriented multi-processor systems-on-chip. DATE 2006: 3-8
10EELuca Benini, Davide Bertozzi, Alessio Guerri, Michela Milano: Allocation and Scheduling for MPSoCs via Decomposition and No-Good Generation. CP 2005: 107-121
9EELuca Benini, Davide Bertozzi, Alessio Guerri, Michela Milano: Allocation and Scheduling for MPSoCs via decomposition and no-good generation. IJCAI 2005: 1517-1518
8 Marco Alberti, Federico Chesani, Alessio Guerri, Marco Gavanelli, Evelina Lamma, Paola Mello, Michela Milano, Paolo Torroni: Expressing Interaction in Combinatorial Auction through Social Integrity Constraints. W(C)LP 2005: 53-64
7 Marco Alberti, Federico Chesani, Marco Gavanelli, Alessio Guerri, Evelina Lamma, Paola Mello, Paolo Torroni: Expressing interaction in combinatorial auction through social integrity constraints. Intelligenza Artificiale 2(1): 22-29 (2005)
6 Luca Benini, Davide Bertozzi, Alessio Guerri, Michela Milano, Francesco Poletti: Measuring Efficiency and Executability of Allocation and Scheduling in Multi-Processor Systems-on-Chip. Intelligenza Artificiale 2(3): 13-20 (2005)
5EECormac Gebruers, Alessio Guerri: Machine Learning for Portfolio Selection Using Structure at the Instance Level. CP 2004: 794
4EECormac Gebruers, Alessio Guerri, Brahim Hnich, Michela Milano: Making Choices Using Structure at the Instance Level within a Case Based Reasoning Framework. CPAIOR 2004: 380-386
3 Alessio Guerri, Michela Milano: Learning Techniques for Automatic Algorithm Portfolio Selection. ECAI 2004: 475-479
2 Alessio Guerri, Michela Milano: Instance Structure-based Portfolio Selection. Intelligenza Artificiale 1(2): 37-45 (2004)
1EEAlessio Guerri, Michela Milano: CP-IP Techniques for the Bid Evaluation in Combinatorial Auctions. CP 2003: 863-867

Coauthor Index

1Marco Alberti [7] [8]
2Luca Benini [6] [9] [10] [12] [13]
3Davide Bertozzi [6] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
4Federico Chesani [7] [8]
5Marco Gavanelli [7] [8]
6Cormac Gebruers [4] [5]
7Brahim Hnich [4]
8Evelina Lamma [7] [8]
9Paola Mello [7] [8]
10Michela Milano [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
11Francesco Poletti [6] [11]
12Martino Ruggiero [11] [13]
13Paolo Torroni [7] [8]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)