
Wail Gueaieb

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14EEWail Gueaieb, Md. Suruz Miah: A Modular Cost-Effective Mobile Robot Navigation System Using RFID Technology. JCM 4(2): 89-95 (2009)
13EEReza GhasemAghaei, Abu Saleh Md. Mahfujur Rahman, Md. Abdur Rahman, Wail Gueaieb: Ant colony-based many-to-one sensory data routing in Wireless Sensor Networks. AICCSA 2008: 1005-1010
12EEAli Karime, M. Anwar Hossain, Abdulmotaleb El-Saddik, Wail Gueaieb: A multimedia-driven ambient edutainment system for the young children. SRMC 2008: 57-64
11EEHicham Chaoui, Wail Gueaieb: Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Control of a Flexible-Joint Manipulator. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 51(2): 159-186 (2008)
10EEWail Gueaieb, Md. Suruz Miah: Experiments on a novel modular cost-effective RFID-based mobile robot navigation system. SMC 2007: 1658-1663
9EEHicham Chaoui, Wail Gueaieb, M. C. E. Yagoub: FPGA implementation of a hybrid neural fuzzy controller for flexible-joint manipulators with uncertain dynamics. SMC 2007: 70-75
8EEWail Gueaieb, Salah Al-Sharhan, Miodrag Bolic: Robust computationally efficient control of cooperative closed-chain manipulators with uncertain dynamics. Automatica 43(5): 842-851 (2007)
7EESalah Al-Sharhan, Wail Gueaieb: A Fast Hybrid Algorithm for Multicast Routing in Wireless Networks. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 16(1): 45-68 (2007)
6EEFazel Keshtkar, Wail Gueaieb: Segmentation of Dental Radiographs Using a Swarm Intelligence Approach. CCECE 2006: 328-331
5 Salah Al-Sharhan, A. Al-Hunaiyyan, Wail Gueaieb: Success factors for an efficient blended elearning. IMSA 2006: 77-82
4 Salah Al-Sharhan, Fakhri Karray, Wail Gueaieb: Learning-based resource optimization in asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) networks. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 33(1): 122-132 (2003)
3 Wail Gueaieb, Fakhri Karray, Salah Al-Sharhan, Otman A. Basir: A Hybrid Adaptive Fuzzy Approach for the Control of Cooperative Manipulators. ICRA 2002: 2153-2158
2 Fakhri Karray, Wail Gueaieb, Salah Al-Sharhan: The hierarchical expert tuning of PID controllers using tools of soft computing. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 32(1): 77-90 (2002)
1 Salah Al-Sharhan, Fakhri Karray, Wail Gueaieb, Otman A. Basir: Fuzzy Entropy: a Brief Survey. FUZZ-IEEE 2001: 1135-1139

Coauthor Index

1A. Al-Hunaiyyan [5]
2Salah Al-Sharhan [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [8]
3Otman A. Basir [1] [3]
4Miodrag Bolic [8]
5Hicham Chaoui [9] [11]
6Abdulmotaleb El-Saddik [12]
7Reza GhasemAghaei [13]
8M. Anwar Hossain [12]
9Ali Karime [12]
10Fakhri Karray (Fakhreddine Karray) [1] [2] [3] [4]
11Fazel Keshtkar [6]
12Md. Suruz Miah [10] [14]
13Abu Saleh Md. Mahfujur Rahman [13]
14Md. Abdur Rahman [13]
15M. C. E. Yagoub [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)