
Tao Gu

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19EEShinobu Tanaka, Mitsuhiro Ogawa, Tao Gu, Ken-ichi Yamakoshi: Development of urine glucose level monitor for home healthcare using near infrared spectroscopy. BIBE 2008: 1-3
18EETong-Lee Lim, Tieyan Li, Tao Gu: Secure RFID Identification and Authentication with Triggered Hash Chain Variants. ICPADS 2008: 583-590
17EETao Gu, Hung Keng Pung, Daqing Zhang: Peer-to-Peer Context Reasoning in Pervasive Computing Environments. PerCom 2008: 406-411
16EEWenwei Xue, Hung Keng Pung, Paulito P. Palmes, Tao Gu: Schema matching for context-aware computing. UbiComp 2008: 292-301
15 Zheng Yang, Bin Xu, Baijian Yang, Jingyao Dai, Tao Gu: PAS: Prediction-based Adaptive Sleeping for Diffusion Stimulus Monitoring Sensor Networks. Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks 5(3-4): 235-246 (2008)
14EETao Gu, Hung Keng Pung, Daqing Zhang: A Semantic P2P Framework for Building Context-Aware Applications in Multiple Smart Spaces. EUC 2007: 553-564
13EETao Gu, Daqing Zhang, Hung Keng Pung: A two-tier semantic overlay network for P2P search. ICPADS 2007: 1-8
12EEYuan He, Tao Gu, Jiang Guo, Jingyao Dai: KQStream: Kindred-Based QoS-Aware Live Media Streaming in Heterogeneous Peer-to-Peer Environments. ICPP Workshops 2007: 56
11EEZheng Yang, Bin Xu, Jingyao Dai, Tao Gu: PAS: Prediction-based Adaptive Sleeping for Environment Monitoring in Sensor Networks. ICPP Workshops 2007: 66
10EEShaxun Chen, Tao Gu, XianPing Tao, Jian Lu: Application Based Distance Measurement for Context Retrieval in Ubiquitous Computing. MobiQuitous 2007: 1-7
9EESasitharan Balasubramaniam, Dmitri Botvich, Tao Gu, William Donnelly: Chemotaxis and Quorum Sensing Inspired Device Interaction Supporting Social Networking. VTC Spring 2007: 262-266
8EETao Gu, Hung Keng Pung, Daqing Zhang: Information retrieval in schema-based P2P systems using one-dimensional semantic space. Computer Networks 51(16): 4543-4560 (2007)
7EELiFeng Zhou, Hung Keng Pung, Lek Heng Ngoh, Tao Gu: Ontology Modeling of a Dynamic Protocol Stack. LCN 2006: 353-360
6EEVenet Osmani, Sasitharan Balasubramaniam, Tao Gu: A Distributed Hierarchical Structure for Object Networks Supporting Human Activity Recognition. MMNS 2006: 128-133
5EEYingyi Bu, Tao Gu, XianPing Tao, Jun Li, Shaxun Chen, Jian Lu: Managing Quality of Context in Pervasive Computing. QSIC 2006: 193-200
4EETao Gu, Edmond Tan, Hung Keng Pung, Daqing Zhang: A Peer-to-Peer Architecture for Context Lookup. MobiQuitous 2005: 333-341
3EETao Gu, Hung Keng Pung, Daqing Zhang: A service-oriented middleware for building context-aware services. J. Network and Computer Applications 28(1): 1-18 (2005)
2EETao Gu, Hung Keng Pung, Jian Kang Yao: Towards a flexible service discovery. J. Network and Computer Applications 28(3): 233-248 (2005)
1EEXiaohang Wang, Daqing Zhang, Tao Gu, Hung Keng Pung: Ontology Based Context Modeling and Reasoning using OWL. PerCom Workshops 2004: 18-22

Coauthor Index

1Sasitharan Balasubramaniam [6] [9]
2Dmitri Botvich [9]
3Yingyi Bu [5]
4Shaxun Chen [5] [10]
5Jingyao Dai [11] [12] [15]
6William Donnelly [9]
7Jiang Guo [12]
8Yuan He [12]
9Jun Li [5]
10Tieyan Li [18]
11Tong-Lee Lim [18]
12Jian Lu [5] [10]
13Lek Heng Ngoh [7]
14Mitsuhiro Ogawa [19]
15Venet Osmani [6]
16Paulito P. Palmes [16]
17Hung Keng Pung [1] [2] [3] [4] [7] [8] [13] [14] [16] [17]
18Edmond Tan [4]
19Shinobu Tanaka [19]
20XianPing Tao [5] [10]
21Xiaohang Wang [1]
22Bin Xu [11] [15]
23Wenwei Xue [16]
24Ken-ichi Yamakoshi [19]
25Baijian Yang [15]
26Zheng Yang [11] [15]
27Jian Kang Yao [2]
28Daqing Zhang [1] [3] [4] [8] [13] [14] [17]
29LiFeng Zhou [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)