
Irene Y. H. Gu

Yu-Hua Gu

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23EETiesheng Wang, Irene Y. H. Gu, Andrew G. Backhouse, Pengfei Shi: Face tracking using Rao-Blackwellized particle filter and pose-dependent probabilistic PCA. ICIP 2008: 853-856
22EELiyuan Li, Weimin Huang, Irene Y. H. Gu, Ruijiang Luo, Qi Tian: An Efficient Sequential Approach to Tracking Multiple Objects Through Crowds for Real-Time Intelligent CCTV Systems. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 38(5): 1254-1269 (2008)
21EEAndy Backhouse, Irene Y. H. Gu, Tiesheng Wang: ML Nonlinear Smoothing for Image Segmentation and its Relationship to the Mean Shift. ICIP (4) 2007: 337-340
20EETiesheng Wang, Irene Y. H. Gu, Andrew G. Backhouse, Pengfei Shi: Moving Object Tracking from Videos Based on Enhanced Space-Time-Range Mean Shift and Motion Consistency. ICME 2007: 2002-2005
19EERuijiang Luo, Liyuan Li, Irene Y. H. Gu: Efficient Adaptive Background Subtraction Based on Multi-resolution Background Modelling and Updating. PCM 2007: 118-127
18EEKristof Op De Beeck, Irene Y. H. Gu, Liyuan Li, Mats Viberg, Bart De Moor: Region-Based Statistical Background Modeling for Foreground Object Segmentation. ICIP 2006: 3317-3320
17EEIrene Y. H. Gu, Vasile Gui, Zhifei Xu: Video Segmentation Using Joint Space-Time-Range Adaptive Mean Shift. PCM 2006: 740-748
16EEZhifei Xu, Pengfei Shi, Irene Y. H. Gu: An Eigenbackground Subtraction Method Using Recursive Error Compensation. PCM 2006: 779-787
15EEAndrew G. Backhouse, Irene Y. H. Gu: Bayesian traffic dynamics and packet loss prediction for video over IP networks. Multimedia Syst. 11(5): 468-479 (2006)
14EEAndrew G. Backhouse, Irene Y. H. Gu: Error-resilient packet video coding using harmonic frame-expansions and temporal prediction. ICIP (1) 2005: 185-186
13EEAndrew G. Backhouse, Irene Y. H. Gu: Network-Adaptive Frame-Expansion-Based Packet Video Coding for Erasure Channels. ICME 2005: 1334-1337
12EELiyuan Li, Weimin Huang, Irene Y. H. Gu, Qi Tian: Statistical modeling of complex backgrounds for foreground object detection. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 13(11): 1459-1472 (2004)
11EELiyuan Li, Weimin Huang, Irene Y. H. Gu, Qi Tian: Foreground object detection from videos containing complex background. ACM Multimedia 2003: 2-10
10 Andrew G. Backhouse, Irene Y. H. Gu, Sverrir Olafsson, Mike J. Smith: Global optimization of video quality by improved rate control on IP-networks. VCIP 2003: 552-562
9 Tsan Po Siu, Tardi Tjahjadi, Irene Y. H. Gu: Hue feature-based stereo scheme for detecting half-occlusion and order reversal of objects. VCIP 2003: 90-101
8EELiyuan Li, Weimin Huang, Irene Y. H. Gu, Qi Tian: Foreground Object Detection in Changing Background Based on Color Co-Occurrence Statistics. WACV 2002: 269-274
7 Irene Y. H. Gu, Tardi Tjahjadi: Multiresolution feature detection using a family of isotropic bandpass filters. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 32(4): 443-454 (2002)
6EEYu-Hua Gu, Tardi Tjahjadi: Detecting and locating landmine fields from vehicle- and air-borne measured IR Images. Pattern Recognition 35(12): 3001-3014 (2002)
5EEYu-Hua Gu, Vasile Gui: Colour image segmentation using adaptive mean shift filters. ICIP (1) 2001: 726-729
4EEYu-Hua Gu, Tardi Tjahjadi: Coarse-to-fine planar object identification using invariant curve features and B-spline modeling. Pattern Recognition 33(9): 1411-1422 (2000)
3 Yu-Hua Gu, Tardi Tjahjadi: Corner-Based Feature Extraction for Object Retrieval. ICIP (1) 1999: 119-123
2 Yu-Hua Gu, Tardi Tjahjadi: Efficient planar object tracking and parameter estimation using compactly represented cubic B-spline curves. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 29(4): 358-367 (1999)
1EEYu-Hua Gu, Vasile Gui, Tardi Tjahjadi: Joint segmentation and B-spline object contour modelling for object tracking and motion compensation in image sequences. ICIP (3) 1997: 492-

Coauthor Index

1Andrew G. Backhouse [10] [13] [14] [15] [20] [23]
2Andy Backhouse [21]
3Kristof Op De Beeck [18]
4Vasile Gui [1] [5] [17]
5Weimin Huang [8] [11] [12] [22]
6Liyuan Li [8] [11] [12] [18] [19] [22]
7Ruijiang Luo [19] [22]
8Bart De Moor [18]
9Sverrir Olafsson [10]
10Pengfei Shi [16] [20] [23]
11Tsan Po Siu [9]
12Mike J. Smith [10]
13Qi Tian [8] [11] [12] [22]
14Tardi Tjahjadi [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [7] [9]
15Mats Viberg [18]
16Tiesheng Wang [20] [21] [23]
17Zhifei Xu [16] [17]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)