
Fritz H. Grupe

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13EEFritz H. Grupe, Sid Gesh, Simon Jooste: Software Sales by it Departments: Managing the Opportunities and Issues. IS Management 21(3): 65-69 (2004)
12EEWilliam L. Kuechler Jr., Fritz H. Grupe: Digital Signatures: A Business View. IS Management 20(1): 19-28 (2003)
11EEFritz H. Grupe, Simon Jooste, Nilesh Patel: Passing the Baton: Helping Your Successor to Succeed. IS Management 20(2): 19-25 (2003)
10EEFritz H. Grupe: Information systems professionals and conflict of interest. Inf. Manag. Comput. Security 11(1): 28-32 (2003)
9EEFritz H. Grupe, William L. Kuechler Jr., Scott Sweeney: Dealing with Data Privacy Protection: An Issue for the 21st Century. Information Systems Security 11(6): 45-56 (2003)
8EEFritz H. Grupe, Timothy Garcia-jay, William L. Kuechler Jr.: Is it Time for an it Ethics Program? IS Management 19(3): 1-7 (2002)
7EEFritz H. Grupe, William L. Kuechler Jr., Scott Sweeney: Dealing with Data Privacy Protection: An Issue for the 21st Century. IS Management 19(4): 61-70 (2002)
6EEWilliam L. Kuechler Jr., Fritz H. Grupe: Digital Signatures: A Business View. Information Systems Security 11(1): 23-35 (2002)
5EEDana Edberg, Fritz H. Grupe, William L. Kuechler Jr.: Practical Issues in Global it Management: Many Problems, A Few Solutions. IS Management 18(1): 1-13 (2001)
4EEFritz H. Grupe, James M. Hensley, Jeanne H. Yamamura: Watching systems in action: security at the periphery. Inf. Manag. Comput. Security 6(4): 155-159 (1998)
3EEFritz H. Grupe, Robert Urwiler, Narender K. Ramarapu, Mehdi Owrang: The application of case-based reasoning to the software development process. Information & Software Technology 40(9): 493-499 (1998)
2EEMehdi Owrang, Fritz H. Grupe: Database tools to acquire knowledge for rule-based expert systems. Information & Software Technology 39(9): 607-616 (1997)
1 Fritz H. Grupe: Computoons: The Evolving Image of Computers in Cartoons. IEEE Computer 29(4): 55-62 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Dana Edberg [5]
2Timothy Garcia-jay [8]
3Sid Gesh [13]
4James M. Hensley [4]
5Simon Jooste [11] [13]
6William L. Kuechler Jr. [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [12]
7Mehdi Owrang [2] [3]
8Nilesh Patel [11]
9Narender K. Ramarapu [3]
10Scott Sweeney [7] [9]
11Robert Urwiler [3]
12Jeanne H. Yamamura [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)