
Mehdi Owrang

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10 Mehdi Owrang, Les L. Miller: Knowledge discovery on multi-relations distributed databases. CAINE 2006: 114-119
9 Mehdi Owrang, Les L. Miller, Li Fang: Processing Multiple Relations in the Knowledge Discovery Process. Computers and Their Applications 2005: 410-416
8 Mehdi Owrang: Handling large databases in data mining. IRMA Conference 2000: 121-125
7EEFritz H. Grupe, Robert Urwiler, Narender K. Ramarapu, Mehdi Owrang: The application of case-based reasoning to the software development process. Information & Software Technology 40(9): 493-499 (1998)
6EEMehdi Owrang, Fritz H. Grupe: Database tools to acquire knowledge for rule-based expert systems. Information & Software Technology 39(9): 607-616 (1997)
5EEMichael Frame, Mehdi Owrang: SQL translation using an attribute grammar. Inf. Sci. 71(3): 269-287 (1993)
4EEMehdi Owrang, Les L. Miller: An Approach for Integration of Data Processing in a Distributed Enviornment. ACM Conference on Computer Science 1989: 358-367
3EEMehdi Owrang: A universal hierarchical language interface for IMS (abstract). ACM Conference on Computer Science 1988: 644-651
2 Mehdi Owrang, Les L. Miller: Query Translation Based on Hypergraph Models. Comput. J. 31(2): 155-164 (1988)
1EEMehdi Owrang, Les L. Miller: Query translation in a heterogeneous distributed database based on hypergraph models models(abstract). ACM Conference on Computer Science 1986: 412

Coauthor Index

1Li Fang [9]
2Michael Frame [5]
3Fritz H. Grupe [6] [7]
4Leslie L. Miller (Les L. Miller, Les Miller) [1] [2] [4] [9] [10]
5Narender K. Ramarapu [7]
6Robert Urwiler [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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