
Joyce Ray

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4EEJoyce Ray: Education for digital stewardship: librarians, archivists or curators? JCDL 2008: 441-442
3EEJoyce Ray, Clifford A. Lynch, Brett Bobley, Gregory Crane, Steven Wheatley: Cyberinfrastructure for the humanities and social sciences: advancing the humanities research agenda. JCDL 2007: 214
2EEHoward Besser, Liz Bishoff, Kati (Ecaterina) Geber, José-Marie Griffiths, Joyce Ray: The virtual and the real: panel on current research on museum audiences and library users. JCDL 2004: 97
1EEJoyce Ray, Robin Dale, Reagan Moore, Vicky Reich, William Underwood, Alexa T. McCray: Panel on digital preservation. JCDL 2002: 365-367

Coauthor Index

1Howard Besser [2]
2Liz Bishoff [2]
3Brett Bobley [3]
4Gregory Crane [3]
5Robin Dale [1]
6Kati (Ecaterina) Geber [2]
7José-Marie Griffiths [2]
8Clifford A. Lynch [3]
9Alexa T. McCray [1]
10Reagan Moore (Reagan W. Moore) [1]
11Vicky Reich (Victoria A. Reich) [1]
12William Underwood [1]
13Steven Wheatley [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)