
Jean-Charles Grégoire

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26EEHuaigu Wu, Jean-Charles Grégoire, Enrico Mrass, Charles Fung, Faraaz Haslani: MoTaskit: a personal task-centric tool for service accesses from mobile phones. Mobile Middleware 2008: 5
25EEOmneya Issa, Jean-Charles Grégoire, Yacine Belala, James Wong: An embedded platform for reliable applications over heterogeneous wireless networks. WOWMOM 2008: 1-6
24EEHechmi Khlifi, Jean-Charles Grégoire: IMS Application Servers: Roles, Requirements, and Implementation Technologies. IEEE Internet Computing 12(3): 40-51 (2008)
23EEHechmi Khlifi, Jean-Charles Grégoire: ARTP: A buffer-aware rate control protocol for media streaming. Computer Networks 51(6): 1601-1615 (2007)
22EELinda Dadjo, André Girard, Jean-Charles Grégoire: A model of user behavior in multi-service priced networks. Telecommunication Systems 35(1-2): 43-53 (2007)
21EEOmneya Issa, Jean-Charles Grégoire: A Service Admission Scheme for Cellular Networks. CCECE 2006: 750-753
20EEJean-Charles Grégoire, Vincent Planat: Session management for heterogeneous wireless access networks. IWCMC 2006: 269-274
19EEHechmi Khlifi, Jean-Charles Grégoire: Low-complexity offline and online clock skew estimation and removal. Computer Networks 50(11): 1872-1884 (2006)
18EEYassine Boujelben, André Girard, Jean-Charles Grégoire: A Sequential Algorithm for Constructing Delay-Constrained Multirings for Multipoint-to-Multipoint Communications. Telecommunication Systems 31(1): 43-59 (2006)
17EEHechmi Khlifi, Jean-Charles Grégoire: Design and Performance of a Stand-Alone Media Server. ICW/ICHSN/ICMCS/SENET 2005: 147-152
16EEShahrokh Valaee, Jean-Charles Grégoire: An estimator of regulator parameters in a stochastic setting. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 13(6): 1376-1389 (2005)
15EEJean-Charles Grégoire, Angèle M. Hamel: You Can Get There from Here: Routing in the Internet. CAAN 2004: 173-182
14 José Costa-Requena, Jorge Nuevo, Raimo Kantola, Jean-Charles Grégoire: Strategies for creating a service distribution backbone in ad hoc networks. Communications, Internet, and Information Technology 2004: 7-14
13EEHechmi Khlifi, Jean-Charles Grégoire: Estimation and Removal of Clock Skew From Delay Measures. LCN 2004: 144-151
12EEOmneya Issa, Jean-Charles Grégoire: A QoS Control Scheme for Voice and Data Services in cdma2000 System. PWC 2003: 498-504
11EENancy D. Griffeth, Ralph Blumenthal, Jean-Charles Grégoire, Tadashi Ohta: A feature interaction benchmark for the first feature interaction detection contest. Computer Networks 32(4): 389-418 (2000)
10EENancy D. Griffeth, Ralph Blumenthal, Jean-Charles Grégoire, Tadashi Ohta: Feature interaction detection contest of the Fifth International Workshop on Feature Interactions. Computer Networks 32(4): 487-510 (2000)
9 Nancy D. Griffeth, Ralph Blumenthal, Jean-Charles Grégoire, Tadashi Ohta: Feature Interaction Detetion Contest. FIW 1998: 327-359
8 Jean-Charles Grégoire, Michael J. Ferguson: Neglected Topics of Feature Interactions: Mechanisms, Architectures, Requirements. FIW 1997: 3-12
7 Jean-Charles Grégoire: TLA + PROMELA: Conjecture, Check, Proof, Engineering New Protocols Using Methods and Formal Notations. FME 1997: 378-397
6 Jean-Charles Grégoire, Michael J. Ferguson, Lou Pino: Combining Formal Methods: An Exercise in Integration. FORTE 1995: 295-302
5 François Gagnon, Jean-Charles Grégoire, D. Zampuniéris: Sharing Trees for "on-the-fly" Verification. FORTE 1995: 417-432
4 Jean-Charles Grégoire: Models and support mechanismus for distributed management. Integrated Network Management 1995: 17-28
3 Jean-Charles Grégoire: Verification model reduction through abstractions. FORTE 1994: 280-282
2 Jean-Charles Grégoire: Management with Delegation. Advanced Information Processing Techniques for LAN and MAN Management 1993: 39-52
1EEJean-Charles Grégoire: Delegation: Uniformity in Heterogeneous Distribued Administration. LISA 1993

Coauthor Index

1Yacine Belala [25]
2Ralph Blumenthal [9] [10] [11]
3Yassine Boujelben [18]
4José Costa-Requena [14]
5Linda Dadjo [22]
6Michael J. Ferguson [6] [8]
7Charles Fung [26]
8François Gagnon [5]
9André Girard [18] [22]
10Nancy D. Griffeth [9] [10] [11]
11Angèle M. Hamel [15]
12Faraaz Haslani [26]
13Omneya Issa [12] [21] [25]
14Raimo Kantola [14]
15Hechmi Khlifi [13] [17] [19] [23] [24]
16Enrico Mrass [26]
17Jorge Nuevo [14]
18Tadashi Ohta [9] [10] [11]
19Lou Pino [6]
20Vincent Planat [20]
21Shahrokh Valaee [16]
22James Wong [25]
23Huaigu Wu [26]
24D. Zampuniéris [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)