
Daniel Granot

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8EEDaniel Granot, Shuya Yin: On sequential commitment in the price-dependent newsvendor model. European Journal of Operational Research 177(2): 939-968 (2007)
7EEShelby Brumelle, Daniel Granot, Li Liu: Ordered optimal solutions and parametric minimum cut problems. Discrete Optimization 2(2): 123-134 (2005)
6EEDaniel Granot, Herbert Hamers: On the equivalence between some local and global Chinese postman and traveling salesman graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 134(1-3): 67-76 (2004)
5 Tali Eilam-Tzoreff, Daniel Granot, Frieda Granot, Greys Sosic: The vehicle routing problem with pickups and deliveries on some special graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 116(3): 193-229 (2002)
4EEDaniel Granot, Jeroen Kuipers, Sunil Chopra: Cost Allocation for a Tree Network with Heterogeneous Customers. Math. Oper. Res. 27(4): 647-661 (2002)
3 Daniel Granot, Frieda Granot, W. R. Zhu: Naturally submodular digraphs and forbidden digraph configurations. Discrete Applied Mathematics 100(1-2): 67-84 (2000)
2EEDaniel Granot, Darko Skorin-Kapov: On Some Optimization Problems on k-Trees and Partial k-Trees. Discrete Applied Mathematics 48(2): 129-145 (1994)
1 Daniel Granot, Darko Skorin-Kapov: NC Algorithms for Recognizing Partial 2-Trees and 3-Trees. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 4(3): 342-354 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Shelby Brumelle [7]
2Sunil Chopra [4]
3Tali Eilam-Tzoreff [5]
4Frieda Granot [3] [5]
5Herbert Hamers [6]
6Jeroen Kuipers [4]
7Li Liu [7]
8Darko Skorin-Kapov [1] [2]
9Greys Sosic [5]
10Shuya Yin [8]
11W. R. Zhu [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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