
Jay Graham

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4 Jay Graham: 0 - IMAP in 90 Days or How to Migrate 25, 000 Users to IMAP in Three Months. SIGUCCS 2000: 82-85
3 Jay Graham, Jeffrey Cepull: Early Adopters An Internet 2 Middleware Project. SIGUCCS 2000: 86-91
2 Jay Graham, Brian K. Hart: Knowledgebase Integration with a 24-hour Help Desk. SIGUCCS 2000: 92-95
1EEJay Graham: Enterprise Wide Electronic Mail using IMAP. SIGUCCS 1999: 83-85

Coauthor Index

1Jeffrey Cepull [3]
2Brian K. Hart [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)