
Michael J. Ferguson

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12 Jean-Charles Grégoire, Michael J. Ferguson: Neglected Topics of Feature Interactions: Mechanisms, Architectures, Requirements. FIW 1997: 3-12
11 Abdelillah Mokkedem, Michael J. Ferguson, Robert de B. Johnston: A TLA Solution to the Specification and Verification of the RLP1 Retransmission Protocol. FME 1997: 398-417
10EEMichael J. Ferguson: Formalization and Validation of the Radio Link Protocol (RLP1). Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 29(3): 357-372 (1997)
9EEM. Hakan Erdogmus, Robert Johnston, Michael J. Ferguson: On the Operational Semantics of Nondeterminism and Divergence. Theor. Comput. Sci. 159(2): 271-317 (1996)
8 Jean-Charles Grégoire, Michael J. Ferguson, Lou Pino: Combining Formal Methods: An Exercise in Integration. FORTE 1995: 295-302
7 Michael J. Ferguson: DQDB: An Overload Cycle Analysis of Generalized Bandwidth Balancing with Strict Priority. Perform. Eval. 23(1): 53-63 (1995)
6 Michael J. Ferguson: An Overload Cycle Analysis of Generalized Bandwidth Balancing for DQDB. INFOCOM 1992: 503-507
5 Michael J. Ferguson: A multilingual TÊX. TEX for Scientific Documentation 1986: 65-73
4 Michael J. Ferguson: INRSTÊX: a document preparation system for multiple languages. TEX for Scientific Documentation 1986: 74-88
3 Michael J. Ferguson: Multiaccess in a Nonqueueing Mailbox Environment. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 10(3): 237-243 (1984)
2 Michael J. Ferguson: Weighted Processor Sharing-Results for Hyperexponential Servers. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 9(4): 531-535 (1983)
1 Michael J. Ferguson: Review of 'Communication Protocol Modelling' (Sunshine, C.; 1981). IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 29(2): 323 (1983)

Coauthor Index

1Hakan Erdogmus (M. Hakan Erdogmus) [9]
2Jean-Charles Grégoire [8] [12]
3Robert Johnston [9]
4Robert de B. Johnston [11]
5Abdelillah Mokkedem (Abdel Mokkedem) [11]
6Lou Pino [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)