4. DAISD 1993:
Lloret de Mar,
Antoni Olivé (Ed.):
Fourth International Workshop on the Deductive Approach to Information Systems and Databases. September 20-22,
Lloret de Mar,
Proceedings. Report de recerca,
Departament de Llenguatges i Sistemes Informatics,
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC)
- Ilias Petrounias, Pericles Loucopoulos:
Design, Implementation and Evaluation of an Application following the Deductive Approach.
1-25 BibTeX
- Maria-Ribera Sancho:
Explaining the Behaviour of a Deductive Conceptual Model.
27-50 BibTeX
- Isidro Ramos, Oscar Pastor, Jose Cuevas, Jaume Devesa:
Objects as Observable Processes.
51-72 BibTeX
- Janis A. Bubenko Jr.:
Extending the Scope of Information Modelling.
73-97 BibTeX
- Subhasish Mazumdar:
A Deductive Approach to Semantic Heterogeneity in Multidatabase Systems.
99-121 BibTeX
- Richard Cooper, David Mackenzie:
Integrating Persistence and Deductive Databases.
123-136 BibTeX
- Johann Kempe, Gabriele Höfling, Christian Hayler:
History, Survey and Comparison of selected object-oriented and deductive Database Query Languages.
137-157 BibTeX
- Klemens Böhm, Amílcar Sernadas:
Real-Time Object Specification Logic.
159-173 BibTeX
- Dolors Costal:
A new Plan Generation Method for Deductive Conceptual Models Validation.
175-200 BibTeX
- Paula Gouveia, Cristina Sernadas:
Reasoning Aspects in Information Systems and Databases.
201-223 BibTeX
- Guido Moerkotte, Holger Müller:
Exploiting Consistency Maintenance for Planning.
225-255 BibTeX
- Maria C. Fernandez, Concepcion Perez, Rafael Portaencasa, Eugenio Santos:
Constructing a Hierarchy of Generalization/Specialization from the O.A.S Hierarchy of Formal Classes.
257-265 BibTeX
- Hendrik Decker, Juan Carlos Casamayor:
Sustained Models and Sustained Answers in First-Order Databases.
267-286 BibTeX
- Francisco Marqués, Juan Carlos Casamayor:
Consistency Verification of Deductive Database Schemes.
287-307 BibTeX
- Robert Demolombe, Andrew J. I. Jones:
Integrity Constraints Revisited (Preliminary version).
309-333 BibTeX
- Enric Mayol, Ernest Teniente:
Incorporating Modification Requests in Updating Consistent Knowledge Bases.
335-359 BibTeX
- Pericles Loucopoulos:
Information Systems and Enterprise Integration.
361-375 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:05:06 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)