
Mikael Goldstein

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14EEGustav Öquist, Anna Sågvall Hein, Jan Ygge, Mikael Goldstein: Eye Movement Study of Reading on a Mobile Device Using the Page and RSVP Text Presentation Formats. Mobile HCI 2004: 108-119
13EEGustav Öquist, Mikael Goldstein: Towards an improved readability on mobile devices: evaluating adaptive rapid serial visual presentation. Interacting with Computers 15(4): 539-558 (2003)
12EEMikael Goldstein, Marcus Nyberg, Mikael Anneroth: Providing proper affordances when transferring source metaphors from information appliances to a 3G mobile multipurpose handset. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 7(6): 372-380 (2003)
11EEDidier Chincholle, Mikael Goldstein, Marcus Nyberg, Mikael Eriksson: Lost or Found? A Usability Evaluation of a Mobile Navigation and Location-Based Service. Mobile HCI 2002: 211-224
10EEGustav Öquist, Mikael Goldstein: Towards an Improved Readability on Mobile Devices: Evaluating Adaptive Rapid Serial Visual Presentation. Mobile HCI 2002: 225-240
9EEGustav Öquist, Staffan Björk, Mikael Goldstein: Utilizing Gaze Detection to Simulate the Affordances of Paper in the Rapid Serial Visual Presentation Format. Mobile HCI 2002: 378-382
8EEMikael Goldstein, Gustav Öquist, Staffan Björk: Evaluating Sonified Rapid Serial Visual Presentation: An Immersive Reading Experience on a Mobile Device. User Interfaces for All 2002: 508-523
7EEMikael Goldstein, Gunilla Alsiö, Jost Werdenhoff: The Media Equation Does Not Always Apply: People are not Polite Towards Small Computers. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 6(2): 87-96 (2002)
6EEMarcus Nyberg, Mikael Goldstein, Ying K. Leung: Visualising Data Using the ActionMapper: A Proposed Interactive Event Logger for User Interface Evaluation. IV 2001: 147-
5EEMikael Goldstein, Orlando Baez, Peter Danielsson: Employing Electrical Field Sensing for Detecting Static Thumb Position Using the Finger-Joint Gesture Keypad Input Paradigm. ISWC 2000: 173-174
4 Mikael Goldstein, Didier Chincholle, Morten Backstrom: Assessing Two New Wearable Input Paradigms: The Finger-Joint-Gesture Palm-Keypad Glove and the Invisible Phone Clock. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 4(2/3): (2000)
3EEMikael Goldstein, Robert Book, Gunilla Alsiö, Silvia Tessa: Non-Keyboard QWERTY Touch Typing: A Portable Input Interface for The Mobile User. CHI 1999: 32-39
2 Robert Book, Mikael Goldstein: Mental effort increases when adding a voice control feature to a familiar interface. HCI (2) 1999: 23-27
1 Mikael Goldstein, Mikael Anneroth, Robert Book: Usability evaluation of a high-fidelity smart phone prototype: task navigation depth affects effectiveness. HCI (2) 1999: 38-42

Coauthor Index

1Gunilla Alsiö [3] [7]
2Mikael Anneroth [1] [12]
3Morten Backstrom [4]
4Orlando Baez [5]
5Staffan Björk [8] [9]
6Robert Book [1] [2] [3]
7Didier Chincholle [4] [11]
8Peter Danielsson [5]
9Mikael Eriksson [11]
10Anna Sågvall Hein [14]
11Ying K. Leung [6]
12Marcus Nyberg [6] [11] [12]
13Gustav Öquist [8] [9] [10] [13] [14]
14Silvia Tessa [3]
15Jost Werdenhoff [7]
16Jan Ygge [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)