
Arny Goldfein

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3EEArny Goldfein: Why is Today's CAD Inadequate for Designing Tomorrow's Computers (Panel Abstract). DAC 1992: 499
2EEShlomo Weiss, Katie Rotzell, Tom Rhyne, Arny Goldfein: DOSS: a storage system for design data. DAC 1986: 41-47
1 Katherine Hammer, John Hardin, D. Rudisill, Arny Goldfein: Using a Predictive Parse to Create a Modeless Editor. CAIA 1985: 514-519

Coauthor Index

1Katherine Hammer [1]
2John Hardin [1]
3Tom Rhyne [2]
4Katie Rotzell [2]
5D. Rudisill [1]
6Shlomo Weiss [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)