
Mark K. Goldberg

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34EEMark K. Goldberg, Malik Magdon-Ismail, Stephen Kelley, Konstantin Mertsalov: A locality model of the evolution of blog networks. ISI 2008: 191-193
33EEYingjie Zhou, Malik Magdon-Ismail, William A. Wallace, Mark K. Goldberg: A Generative Model for Statistical Determination of Information Content from Conversation Threads. ISI Workshops 2008: 331-342
32EEJeffrey Baumes, Hung-Ching Chen, Matthew Francisco, Mark K. Goldberg, Malik Magdon-Ismail, William A. Wallace: ViSAGE: A Virtual Laboratory for Simulation and Analysis of Social Group Evolution. TAAS 3(3): (2008)
31EEHung-Ching Chen, Mark K. Goldberg, Malik Magdon-Ismail, William A. Wallace: Learning What Makes a Society Tick. ICDM Workshops 2007: 195-200
30EEHung-Ching Chen, Mark K. Goldberg, Malik Magdon-Ismail, William A. Wallace: Reverse Engineering an Agent-Based Hidden Markov Model for Complex Social Systems. IDEAL 2007: 940-949
29EEJeffrey Baumes, Mark K. Goldberg, Mykola Hayvanovych, Stephen Kelley, Malik Magdon-Ismail, Konstantin Mertsalov, William A. Wallace: SIGHTS: A Software System for Finding Coalitions and Leaders in a Social Network. ISI 2007: 193-199
28EEMark K. Goldberg: Clusters in a Multigraph with Elevated Density. Electr. J. Comb. 14(1): (2007)
27EEJeffrey Baumes, Mark K. Goldberg, Mykola Hayvanovych, Malik Magdon-Ismail, William A. Wallace, Mohammed Javeed Zaki: Finding Hidden Group Structure in a Stream of Communications. ISI 2006: 201-212
26EEEric J. Griffith, Srinivas Akella, Mark K. Goldberg: Performance Characterization of a Reconfigurable Planar-Array Digital Microfluidic System. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 25(2): 345-357 (2006)
25 Seyit Ahmet Çamtepe, Mark K. Goldberg, Malik Magdon-Ismail, Mukkai Krishn: Detecting conversing groups of chatters: a model, algorithms, and tests. IADIS AC 2005: 89-96
24 Jeffrey Baumes, Mark K. Goldberg, Mukkai S. Krishnamoorthy, Malik Magdon-Ismail, Nathan Preston: Finding communities by clustering a graph into overlapping subgraphs. IADIS AC 2005: 97-104
23EEJeffrey Baumes, Mark K. Goldberg, Malik Magdon-Ismail: Efficient Identification of Overlapping Communities. ISI 2005: 27-36
22EEMark K. Goldberg, D. Hollinger, Malik Magdon-Ismail: Experimental Evaluation of the Greedy and Random Algorithms for Finding Independent Sets in Random Graphs. WEA 2005: 513-523
21 Hung-Ching Chen, Mark K. Goldberg, Malik Magdon-Ismail: Identifying Multi-ID Users in Open Forums. ISI 2004: 176-186
20 Jeffrey Baumes, Mark K. Goldberg, Malik Magdon-Ismail, William A. Wallace: Discovering Hidden Groups in Communication Networks. ISI 2004: 378-389
19EEMalik Magdon-Ismail, Mark K. Goldberg, William A. Wallace, David Siebecker: Locating Hidden Groups in Communication Networks Using Hidden Markov Models. ISI 2003: 126-137
18EEEric Breimer, Mark K. Goldberg, Darren T. Lim: A learning algorithm for the longest common subsequence problem. ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics 8: (2003)
17EEEric Breimer, Mark K. Goldberg: Learning Significant Alignments: An Alternative to Normalized Local Alignment. ISMIS 2002: 37-45
16EEEric Breimer, Mark K. Goldberg, Brian Kolstad, Malik Magdon-Ismail: Experimental Evaluation of the Height of a Random Set of Points in a d-Dimensional Cube. ALENEX 2001: 161-171
15EEMark K. Goldberg, Darren T. Lim, Malik Magdon-Ismail: A learning algorithm for string assembly. BIOKDD 2001: 31-37
14 Mark K. Goldberg, D. L. Hollinger: Designing algorithms by sampling. Discrete Applied Mathematics 110(1): 59-75 (2001)
13 Jonathan W. Berry, Nathaniel Dean, Mark K. Goldberg, Gregory E. Shannon, Steven Skiena: LINK: a system for graph computation. Softw., Pract. Exper. 30(11): 1285-1302 (2000)
12EEJonathan W. Berry, Mark K. Goldberg: Path Optimization for Graph Partitioning Problems. Discrete Applied Mathematics 90(1-3): 27-50 (1999)
11 Jonathan W. Berry, Nathaniel Dean, Mark K. Goldberg, Gregory E. Shannon, Steven Skiena: Graph Drawing and Manipulation with LINK. Graph Drawing 1997: 425-437
10 Jonathan W. Berry, Mark K. Goldberg: Path Optimization and Near-Greedy Analysis for Graph Partitioning: An Empirical Study. SODA 1995: 223-232
9EEDave A. Berque, Mark K. Goldberg, Jeffrey A. Edmonds: Implementing Progress Indicators for Recursive Algorithms. SAC 1993: 533-538
8 Mark K. Goldberg, Thomas H. Spencer: An Efficient Parallel Algorithm that Finds Independent Sets of Guaranteed Size. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 6(3): 443-459 (1993)
7 Dave A. Berque, R. Cecchini, Mark K. Goldberg, R. Rivenburgh: The Set Player System for Symbolic Computation on Power Sets. J. Symb. Comput. 14(6): 645-662 (1992)
6 Mark K. Goldberg, Thomas H. Spencer: An Efficient Parallel Algorithm that Finds Independent Sets of Guaranteed Size. SODA 1990: 219-225
5 Mark K. Goldberg, Thomas H. Spencer: A New Parallel Algorithm for the Maximal Independent Set Problem. SIAM J. Comput. 18(2): 419-427 (1989)
4 Mark K. Goldberg, Thomas H. Spencer: Constructing a Maximal Independent Set in Parallel. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 2(3): 322-328 (1989)
3 Mark K. Goldberg, Thomas H. Spencer: A New Parallel Algorithm for the Maximal Independent Set Problem FOCS 1987: 161-165
2 Derek G. Corneil, Mark K. Goldberg: A Non-Factorial Algorithm for Canonical Numbering of a Graph. J. Algorithms 5(3): 345-362 (1984)
1EEMark K. Goldberg: Construction of class 2 graphs with maximum vertex degree 3. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 31(3): 282-291 (1981)

Coauthor Index

1Srinivas Akella [26]
2Jeffrey Baumes [20] [23] [24] [27] [29] [32]
3Dave A. Berque [7] [9]
4Jonathan W. Berry [10] [11] [12] [13]
5Eric Breimer [16] [17] [18]
6Seyit Ahmet Çamtepe [25]
7R. Cecchini [7]
8Hung-Ching Chen [21] [30] [31] [32]
9Derek G. Corneil [2]
10Nathaniel Dean [11] [13]
11Jeffrey A. Edmonds [9]
12Matthew Francisco [32]
13Eric J. Griffith [26]
14Mykola Hayvanovych [27] [29]
15D. Hollinger [22]
16D. L. Hollinger [14]
17Stephen Kelley [29] [34]
18Brian Kolstad [16]
19Mukkai Krishn [25]
20Mukkai S. Krishnamoorthy [24]
21Darren T. Lim [15] [18]
22Malik Magdon-Ismail [15] [16] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [27] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34]
23Konstantin Mertsalov [29] [34]
24Nathan Preston [24]
25R. Rivenburgh [7]
26Gregory E. Shannon [11] [13]
27David Siebecker [19]
28Steven Skiena [11] [13]
29Thomas H. Spencer [3] [4] [5] [6] [8]
30William A. Wallace [19] [20] [27] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33]
31Mohammed Javeed Zaki (Mohammed J. Zaki) [27]
32Yingjie Zhou [33]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)