
David Goddeau

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5EELeonidas I. Kontothanassis, David Goddeau: Profile Driven Scheduling for a Heterogeneous Server Cluster. ICPP Workshops 2005: 336-345
4EEBrian S. Eberman, Jerry Carter, Darren Meyer, David Goddeau: Building voiceXML browsers with openVXI. WWW 2002: 713-717
3 David Goddeau, Anna Litvinova, Beth Logan, Pedro J. Moreno, Michael Swain, Jean-Manuel Van Thong: SpeechBot: a Speech Recognition based Audio Indexing System for the Web. RIAO 2000: 106-115
2EEVictor Zue, Stephanie Seneff, Joseph Polifroni, Michael S. Phillips, Christine Pao, David Goddeau, James R. Glass, Eric Brill: PEGASUS: A Spoken Language Interface for On-Line Air Travel Planning I. HLT 1994
1EEStephanie Seneff, James R. Glass, David Goddeau, David Goodine, Lynette Hirschman, Hong C. Leung, Michael S. Phillips, Joseph Polifroni, Victor Zue: Development and Preliminary Evaluation of the MIT ATIS System. HLT 1991

Coauthor Index

1Eric Brill [2]
2Jerry Carter [4]
3Brian S. Eberman [4]
4James R. Glass [1] [2]
5David Goodine [1]
6Lynette Hirschman [1]
7Leonidas I. Kontothanassis [5]
8Hong C. Leung [1]
9Anna Litvinova [3]
10Beth Logan [3]
11Darren Meyer [4]
12Pedro J. Moreno [3]
13Christine Pao [2]
14Michael S. Phillips [1] [2]
15Joseph Polifroni [1] [2]
16Stephanie Seneff [1] [2]
17Michael Swain [3]
18Jean-Manuel Van Thong [3]
19Victor Zue [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)