
Arthur F. Gmitro

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11EEMehul B. Patel, Jeffrey J. Rodriguez, Arthur F. Gmitro: Image classification based on focus. ICIP 2008: 397-400
10EEMehul B. Patel, Jeffrey J. Rodriguez, Arthur F. Gmitro: Effect of gray-level re-quantization on co-occurrence based texture analysis. ICIP 2008: 585-588
9EESaurabh Srivastava, Jeffrey J. Rodriguez, Andrew R. Rouse, Molly A. Brewer, Arthur F. Gmitro: Analysis of confocal microendoscope images for automatic detection of ovarian cancer. ICIP (1) 2005: 1113-1116
8 Josh Udovich, Andrew R. Rouse, Angelique Kano, Shona Kroto, Arthur F. Gmitro: Confocal Microendoscope for Use in OB/GYN Applications. ISBI 2004: 1091-1094
7EEMaria I. Altbach, Theodore P. Trouard, Arthur F. Gmitro: Radial MRI techniques for obtaining motion-insensitive high-resolution images with variable contrast. ISBI 2002: 125-128
6EEArthur F. Gmitro, Andrew R. Rouse, Angelique Kano: In vivo fluorescence confocal microendoscopy. ISBI 2002: 277-280
5EEAndre Lehovich, Harrison H. Barrett, Eric Clarkson, Arthur F. Gmitro: Estimability of Spatio-temporal Activation in fMRI. IPMI 2001: 259-271
4 Maria I. Altbach, Theodore P. Trouard, Rik Van de Walle, Rebecca J. Theilman, Eric Clarkson, Harrison H. Barrett, Arthur F. Gmitro: Chemical-shift Imaging Utilizing the Positional Shifts along the Readout Gradient Direction. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 20(11): 1156-1166 (2001)
3 Rik Van de Walle, Harrison H. Barrett, Kyle J. Myers, Maria I. Altbach, Bart Desplanques, Arthur F. Gmitro, Jan Cornelis, Ignace Lemahieu: Reconstruction of MRI Images from Data Acquired on a General Non-Regular Grid by Pseudoinverse Calculation. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 19(12): 1160-1167 (2000)
2EEHarrison H. Barrett, Arthur F. Gmitro: Information processing in medical imaging. Image Vision Comput. 12(6): 315 (1994)
1 Harrison H. Barrett, Arthur F. Gmitro: Information Processing in Medical Imaging, 13th International Conference, IPMI'93, Flagstaff, Arizona, USA, June 14-18, 1993, Proceedings Springer 1993

Coauthor Index

1Maria I. Altbach [3] [4] [7]
2Harrison H. Barrett [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
3Molly A. Brewer [9]
4Eric Clarkson [4] [5]
5Jan Cornelis [3]
6Bart Desplanques [3]
7Angelique Kano [6] [8]
8Shona Kroto [8]
9Andre Lehovich [5]
10Ignace Lemahieu [3]
11Kyle J. Myers [3]
12Mehul B. Patel [10] [11]
13Jeffrey J. Rodriguez [9] [10] [11]
14Andrew R. Rouse [6] [8] [9]
15Saurabh Srivastava [9]
16Rebecca J. Theilman [4]
17Theodore P. Trouard [4] [7]
18Josh Udovich [8]
19Rik Van de Walle [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)