
Harrison H. Barrett

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22EEL. R. Furenlid, J. W. Moore, M. Freed, Matthew A. Kupinski, Eric Clarkson, Z. Liu, D. W. Wilson, J. M. Woolfenden, Harrison H. Barrett: Adaptive small-animal SPECT/CT. ISBI 2008: 1407-1410
21EEHarrison H. Barrett, L. R. Furenlid, M. Freed, J. Y. Hesterman, Matthew A. Kupinski, Eric Clarkson, M. K. Whitaker: Adaptive SPECT. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 27(6): 775-788 (2008)
20EESubok Park, Matthew A. Kupinski, Eric Clarkson, Harrison H. Barrett: Ideal-Observer Performance under Signal and Background Uncertainty. IPMI 2003: 342-353
19EETodd E. Peterson, D. W. Wilson, Harrison H. Barrett: A small-animal imaging system based on silicon strip detectors. ISBI 2002: 533-536
18 John W. Hoppin, Matthew A. Kupinski, George A. Kastis, Eric Clarkson, Harrison H. Barrett: Objective Comparison of Quantitative Imaging Modalities Without the Use of a Gold Standard. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 21(5): 441-449 (2002)
17EEJohn W. Hoppin, Matthew A. Kupinski, George A. Kastis, Eric Clarkson, Harrison H. Barrett: Objective Comparison of Quantitative Imaging Modalities Without the Use of a Gold Standard. IPMI 2001: 12-23
16EEAndre Lehovich, Harrison H. Barrett, Eric Clarkson, Arthur F. Gmitro: Estimability of Spatio-temporal Activation in fMRI. IPMI 2001: 259-271
15 Maria I. Altbach, Theodore P. Trouard, Rik Van de Walle, Rebecca J. Theilman, Eric Clarkson, Harrison H. Barrett, Arthur F. Gmitro: Chemical-shift Imaging Utilizing the Positional Shifts along the Readout Gradient Direction. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 20(11): 1156-1166 (2001)
14 Rik Van de Walle, Harrison H. Barrett, Kyle J. Myers, Maria I. Altbach, Bart Desplanques, Arthur F. Gmitro, Jan Cornelis, Ignace Lemahieu: Reconstruction of MRI Images from Data Acquired on a General Non-Regular Grid by Pseudoinverse Calculation. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 19(12): 1160-1167 (2000)
13 D. W. Wilson, Harrison H. Barrett, Eric Clarkson: A high resolution synthetic collimator for reconstructing 2D and 3D radiotracer distributions. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 19(5): 412-422 (2000)
12 Lucas C. Parra, Harrison H. Barrett: List-Mode Likelihood EM Algorithm and Noise Estimation Demonstrated on 2D-PET. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 17(2): 228-235 (1998)
11EEHolly E. Rushmeier, Harrison H. Barrett, Penny Rheingans, Samuel P. Uselton, Andrew Watson: Perceptual measures for effective visualizations. IEEE Visualization 1997: 515-517
10 Harrison H. Barrett, Craig K. Abbey: Bayesian Detection of Random Signals on Random Backgrounds. IPMI 1997: 155-166
9 Craig K. Abbey, Eric Clarkson, Harrison H. Barrett, Stefan P. Müller, Frank J. Rybicki: Approximate Distributions for Maximum Likelihood and Maximum a posteriori Estimates Under a Gaussain Noise Model. IPMI 1997: 167-175
8 Eric Clarkson, Harrison H. Barrett: Bayesian Detection with Amplitude, Scale, Orientation and Position Uncertainty. IPMI 1997: 549-554
7EEHarrison H. Barrett, Arthur F. Gmitro: Information processing in medical imaging. Image Vision Comput. 12(6): 315 (1994)
6 Harrison H. Barrett, Arthur F. Gmitro: Information Processing in Medical Imaging, 13th International Conference, IPMI'93, Flagstaff, Arizona, USA, June 14-18, 1993, Proceedings Springer 1993
5EEJanet R. Saffer, Harrison H. Barrett, Herbert Bradford Barber, J. M. Woolfenden: Surgical probe design for a coincidence imaging system without a collimator. Image Vision Comput. 10(6): 333-341 (1992)
4EEHarrison H. Barrett, T. Gooley, K. Girodias, Jannick P. Rolland, T. White, J. Yao: Linear discriminants and image quality. Image Vision Comput. 10(6): 451-460 (1992)
3 Harrison H. Barrett, T. Gooley, K. Girodias, Jannick P. Rolland, T. White, J. Yao: Linear Discriminants and Image Quality. IPMI 1991: 458-473
2 Janet R. Saffer, Harrison H. Barrett, Herbert Bradford Barber, J. M. Woolfenden: Surgical Probe Design for a Coincidence Imaging System Without a Collimator. IPMI 1991: 8-22
1 R. L. Shoemaker, Harrison H. Barrett, R. H. Seacat III: TRIMM: A Parallel Processor for Image Reconstruction by Simulated Annealing. PPSN 1990: 242-251

Coauthor Index

1Craig K. Abbey [9] [10]
2Maria I. Altbach [14] [15]
3Herbert Bradford Barber [2] [5]
4Eric Clarkson [8] [9] [13] [15] [16] [17] [18] [20] [21] [22]
5Jan Cornelis [14]
6Bart Desplanques [14]
7M. Freed [21] [22]
8L. R. Furenlid [21] [22]
9K. Girodias [3] [4]
10Arthur F. Gmitro [6] [7] [14] [15] [16]
11T. Gooley [3] [4]
12J. Y. Hesterman [21]
13John W. Hoppin [17] [18]
14George A. Kastis [17] [18]
15Matthew A. Kupinski [17] [18] [20] [21] [22]
16Andre Lehovich [16]
17Ignace Lemahieu [14]
18Z. Liu [22]
19J. W. Moore [22]
20Stefan P. Müller [9]
21Kyle J. Myers [14]
22Subok Park [20]
23Lucas C. Parra [12]
24Todd E. Peterson [19]
25Penny Rheingans [11]
26Jannick P. Rolland [3] [4]
27Holly E. Rushmeier [11]
28Frank J. Rybicki [9]
29Janet R. Saffer [2] [5]
30R. H. Seacat III [1]
31R. L. Shoemaker [1]
32Rebecca J. Theilman [15]
33Theodore P. Trouard [15]
34Samuel P. Uselton [11]
35Rik Van de Walle [14] [15]
36Andrew Watson [11]
37M. K. Whitaker [21]
38T. White [3] [4]
39D. W. Wilson [13] [19] [22]
40J. M. Woolfenden [2] [5] [22]
41J. Yao [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)