2008 |
29 | EE | Thanh-Trung Van,
Michel Beigbeder:
Hybrid Method for Personalized Search in Scientific Digital Libraries.
CICLing 2008: 512-521 |
28 | EE | Thanh-Trung Van,
Michel Beigbeder:
Hybrid Method for Personalized Search in Digital Libraries.
ECIR 2008: 647-651 |
27 | | Thanh-Trung Van,
Michel Beigbeder:
Recherche dinformation personnalisée dans les bibliothèques numériques scientifiques.
EGC 2008: 55-60 |
26 | EE | Thanh-Trung Van,
Michel Beigbeder:
A Comparison of Re-ranking Methods in Digital Libraries Using User Profiles.
Web Intelligence 2008: 751-754 |
2007 |
25 | EE | Thanh-Trung Van,
Michel Beigbeder:
Web Co-citation: Discovering Relatedness Between Scientific Papers.
AWIC 2007: 343-348 |
24 | EE | Thanh-Trung Van,
Michel Beigbeder:
Citation-Based Methods for Personalized Search in Digital Libraries.
WISE Workshops 2007: 362-373 |
2006 |
23 | EE | Amélie Imafouo,
Michel Beigbeder:
Evaluating Scalability in Information Retrieval with Multigraded Relevance.
AIRS 2006: 545-552 |
22 | EE | Annabelle Mercier,
Michel Beigbeder:
ENSM-SE at CLEF 2006 : Fuzzy Proxmity Method with an Adhoc Influence Function.
CLEF 2006: 83-90 |
21 | EE | Michel Beigbeder:
Structured Content-Only Information Retrieval Using Term Proximity and Propagation of Title Terms.
INEX 2006: 200-212 |
20 | EE | Michel Beigbeder,
Wray L. Buntine,
Wai Gen Yee:
Open source search and research.
IWRIDL 2006: 5 |
19 | EE | Annabelle Mercier,
Michel Beigbeder:
Fuzzy Term Proximity With Boolean Queries at 2006 TREC Terabyte Task.
TREC 2006 |
18 | EE | Amélie Imafouo,
Michel Beigbeder:
Vers des protocoles d'évaluation du passage à l'échelle.
Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information 11(4): 37-53 (2006) |
17 | EE | Wai Gen Yee,
Michel Beigbeder,
Wray L. Buntine:
SIGIR06 workshop report: Open Source Information Retrieval systems (OSIR06).
SIGIR Forum 40(2): 61-65 (2006) |
2005 |
16 | EE | Annabelle Mercier,
Amélie Imafouo,
Michel Beigbeder:
ENSM-SE at CLEF 2005: Using a Fuzzy Proximity Matching Function.
CLEF 2005: 187-193 |
15 | | Annabelle Mercier,
Amélie Imafouo,
Michel Beigbeder:
Modèle de proximité: Conception et comparaison à une méthode de recherche de passages.
CORIA 2005: 279-292 |
14 | | Amélie Imafouo,
Michel Beigbeder:
Passage à l'Echelle - Une méthodologie d'étude de l'influence du volume de collection sur les modèles de Recherche d'Information.
CORIA 2005: 357-372 |
13 | EE | Amélie Imafouo,
Michel Beigbeder:
Scalability Influence on Retrieval Models: An Experimental Methodology.
ECIR 2005: 388-402 |
12 | | Annabelle Mercier,
Michel Beigbeder:
Extraction de la localisation des termes pour le classement des documents.
EGC 2005: 275-280 |
11 | EE | Michel Beigbeder,
Annabelle Mercier:
An information retrieval model using the fuzzy proximity degree of term occurences.
SAC 2005: 1018-1022 |
10 | EE | Camille Prime-Claverie,
Michel Beigbeder,
Thierry Lafouge:
Metadata Propagation in the Web Using Co-Citations.
Web Intelligence 2005: 602-605 |
2004 |
9 | EE | Camille Prime-Claverie,
Michel Beigbeder,
Thierry Lafouge:
Transposition of the cocitation method with a view to classifying Web pages.
JASIST 55(14): 1282-1289 (2004) |
2002 |
8 | | Camille Prime-Claverie,
Michel Beigbeder,
Thierry Lafouge:
Clusterisation du Web en vue d'extraction de corpus homogènes.
INFORSID 2002: 229-242 |
7 | EE | Faiza Abbaci,
Michel Beigbeder,
Jacques Savoy:
A Methodology for Collection Selection in Heterogeneous Contexts.
ITCC 2002: 529-535 |
2001 |
6 | EE | Fernando Aguiar,
Michel Beigbeder:
Improvement of Web retrieval by the use of contextual information of pages.
Hypertext 2001: 247-248 |
2000 |
5 | | Fernando Aguiar,
Michel Beigbeder:
Discovering the Context of WWW Pages to Improve the Effectiveness of Local Search Engines.
FQAS 2000: 517-527 |
1999 |
4 | EE | Bich-Liên Doan,
Michel Beigbeder:
Virtual WWW Documents: a Concept to Explicit the Structure of WWW Sites.
BCS-IRSG Annual Colloquium on IR Research 1999 |
3 | | Fernando Aguiar,
Bich-Liên Doan,
Michel Beigbeder:
Dealing with Structured Documents in Information Retrieval Systems.
WebNet 1999: 1180-1181 |
2 | | Bich-Liên Doan,
Fernando Aguiar,
Michel Beigbeder:
Expliciting structural and semantic WWW links to improve information retrieval.
WebNet 1999: 1247-1248 |
1998 |
1 | | Bich-Liên Doan,
Michel Beigbeder,
Jean-Jacques Girardot,
Philippe Jaillon:
Using Metadata to Improve Organization and Information Retrieval on the WWW.
WebNet 1998 |