
Jonathan Ginzburg

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6EERaquel Fernández, Jonathan Ginzburg, Shalom Lappin: Classifying Non-Sentential Utterances in Dialogue: A Machine Learning Approach. Computational Linguistics 33(3): 397-427 (2007)
5EEZoran Macura, Jonathan Ginzburg: Lexicon Convergence in a Population With and Without Metacommunication. EELC 2006: 100-112
4EEJonathan Ginzburg, Raquel Fernández: Scaling up from Dialogue to Multilogue: Some Principles and Benchmarks. ACL 2005
3EEJonathan Ginzburg: Abstraction and Ontology: Questions as Propositional Abstracts in Type Theory with Records. J. Log. Comput. 15(2): 113-130 (2005)
2EERaquel Fernández, Jonathan Ginzburg: Non-Sentential Utterances: Grammar and Dialogue Dynamics in Corpus Annotation. COLING 2002
1EEJonathan Ginzburg, Robin Cooper: Resolving Ellipsis in Clarification. ACL 2001: 236-243

Coauthor Index

1Robin Cooper [1]
2Raquel Fernández [2] [4] [6]
3Shalom Lappin [6]
4Zoran Macura [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)