2005 |
10 | EE | Robin Cooper:
Records and Record Types in Semantic Theory.
J. Log. Comput. 15(2): 99-112 (2005) |
2004 |
9 | EE | Aarne Ranta,
Robin Cooper:
Dialogue Systems as Proof Editors.
Journal of Logic, Language and Information 13(2): 225-240 (2004) |
2003 |
8 | EE | Sylvana Sofkova Hashemi,
Robin Cooper,
Robert Andersson:
Positive Grammar Checking: A Finite State Approach.
CICLing 2003: 635-646 |
7 | EE | Robin Cooper:
Journal of Logic, Language and Information 12(3): 369-374 (2003) |
2001 |
6 | EE | Jonathan Ginzburg,
Robin Cooper:
Resolving Ellipsis in Clarification.
ACL 2001: 236-243 |
1999 |
5 | EE | Staffan Larsson,
Robin Cooper,
Elisabet Engdahl,
Peter Ljunglöf:
Information States and Dialogue Move Engines.
Electron. Trans. Artif. Intell. 3(D): 53-71 (1999) |
1995 |
4 | EE | David Milward,
Robin Cooper:
Incremental Interpretation: Applications, Theory, and Relationship to Dynamic Semantics
CoRR cmp-lg/9503013: (1995) |
1994 |
3 | EE | David Milward,
Robin Cooper:
Incremental Interpretation: Applications, Theory, And Relationship To Dynamic Semantics.
COLING 1994: 748-754 |
1990 |
2 | | Robin Cooper:
Three Lectures on Situation Theoretic Grammar.
EAIA 1990: 102-140 |
1987 |
1 | | Robin Cooper:
Meaning representation in Montague grammar and situation semantics.
Computational Intelligence 3: 35-44 (1987) |