
Francesco Zappa Nardelli

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13EESusmit Sarkar, Peter Sewell, Francesco Zappa Nardelli, Scott Owens, Tom Ridge, Thomas Braibant, Magnus O. Myreen, Jade Alglave: The semantics of x86-CC multiprocessor machine code. POPL 2009: 379-391
12EEAquinas Hobor, Andrew W. Appel, Francesco Zappa Nardelli: Oracle Semantics for Concurrent Separation Logic. ESOP 2008: 353-367
11EECédric Fournet, Nataliya Guts, Francesco Zappa Nardelli: A Formal Implementation of Value Commitment. ESOP 2008: 383-397
10EEPeter Sewell, Francesco Zappa Nardelli, Scott Owens, Gilles Peskine, Tom Ridge, Susmit Sarkar, Rok Strnisa: Ott: effective tool support for the working semanticist. ICFP 2007: 1-12
9EEPeter Sewell, James J. Leifer, Keith Wansbrough, Francesco Zappa Nardelli, Mair Allen-Williams, Pierre Habouzit, Viktor Vafeiadis: Acute: High-level programming language design for distributed computation. J. Funct. Program. 17(4-5): 547-612 (2007)
8EEPeter Sewell, James J. Leifer, Keith Wansbrough, Francesco Zappa Nardelli, Mair Allen-Williams, Pierre Habouzit, Viktor Vafeiadis: Acute: high-level programming language design for distributed computation. ICFP 2005: 15-26
7EEGiuseppe Castagna, Jan Vitek, Francesco Zappa Nardelli: The Seal Calculus. Inf. Comput. 201(1): 1-54 (2005)
6EEMassimo Merro, Francesco Zappa Nardelli: Behavioral theory for mobile ambients. J. ACM 52(6): 961-1023 (2005)
5 Glynn Winskel, Francesco Zappa Nardelli: New-HOPLA: A Higher-order Process Language with Name Generation. IFIP TCS 2004: 521-534
4 Massimo Merro, Francesco Zappa Nardelli: Behavioural Theory for Mobile Ambients. IFIP TCS 2004: 549-562
3EEMassimo Merro, Francesco Zappa Nardelli: Bisimulation Proof Methods for Mobile Ambients. ICALP 2003: 584-598
2EEGiuseppe Castagna, Francesco Zappa Nardelli: The Seal Calculus Revisited: Contextual Equivalence and Bisimilarity. FSTTCS 2002: 85-96
1EEGiuseppe Castagna, Giorgio Ghelli, Francesco Zappa Nardelli: Typing Mobility in the Seal Calculus. CONCUR 2001: 82-101

Coauthor Index

1Jade Alglave [13]
2Mair Allen-Williams [8] [9]
3Andrew W. Appel [12]
4Thomas Braibant [13]
5Giuseppe Castagna [1] [2] [7]
6Cédric Fournet [11]
7Giorgio Ghelli [1]
8Nataliya Guts [11]
9Pierre Habouzit [8] [9]
10Aquinas Hobor [12]
11James J. Leifer [8] [9]
12Massimo Merro [3] [4] [6]
13Magnus O. Myreen [13]
14Scott Owens [10] [13]
15Gilles Peskine [10]
16Tom Ridge (Thomas Ridge) [10] [13]
17Susmit Sarkar [10] [13]
18Peter Sewell [8] [9] [10] [13]
19Rok Strnisa [10]
20Viktor Vafeiadis [8] [9]
21Jan Vitek [7]
22Keith Wansbrough [8] [9]
23Glynn Winskel [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)