
E. Michael Gertz

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8EEAleksandar Stojmirovic, E. Michael Gertz, Stephen F. Altschul, Yi-Kuo Yu: The effectiveness of position- and composition-specific gap costs for protein similarity searches. ISMB 2008: 15-23
7EEAleksandr Morgulis, E. Michael Gertz, Alejandro A. Schäffer, Richa Agarwala: WindowMasker: window-based masker for sequenced genomes. Bioinformatics 22(2): 134-141 (2006)
6EEAleksandr Morgulis, E. Michael Gertz, Alejandro A. Schäffer, Richa Agarwala: A Fast and Symmetric DUST Implementation to Mask Low-Complexity DNA Sequences. Journal of Computational Biology 13(5): 1028-1040 (2006)
5EEE. Michael Gertz, Jorge Nocedal, Annick Sartenar: A starting point strategy for nonlinear interior methods. Appl. Math. Lett. 17(8): 945-952 (2004)
4EEE. Michael Gertz, Philip E. Gill: A primal-dual trust region algorithm for nonlinear optimization. Math. Program. 100(1): 49-94 (2004)
3EEE. Michael Gertz: A quasi-Newton trust-region method. Math. Program. 100(3): 447-470 (2004)
2EEE. Michael Gertz, Stephen J. Wright: Object-oriented software for quadratic programming. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 29(1): 58-81 (2003)
1EEE. Michael Gertz, Philip E. Gill, Julia Muetherig: Users Guide for SnadiOpt: A Package Adding Automatic Differentiation to Snopt CoRR cs.MS/0106051: (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Richa Agarwala [6] [7]
2Stephen F. Altschul [8]
3Philip E. Gill [1] [4]
4Aleksandr Morgulis [6] [7]
5Julia Muetherig [1]
6Jorge Nocedal [5]
7Annick Sartenar [5]
8Alejandro A. Schäffer [6] [7]
9Aleksandar Stojmirovic [8]
10Stephen J. Wright [2]
11Yi-Kuo Yu [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)