
Alexander Gersht

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7 Alexander Gersht, Alexander Shulman: Architecture for Restorable Call Allocation and Fast VP Restoration in Mesh ATM Networks. ICC (3) 1997: 1158-1163
6 Jelena Vucetic, Alexander Gersht: Damage Assessment - A Network Management Application Based on an Integrated Information Model of the Network. Integrated Network Management 1993: 641-652
5 Shaygan Kheradpir, Willis Stinson, Jelena Vucetic, Alexander Gersht: Real-Time Management of Telephone Operating Company Networks: Issues and Approaches. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 11(9): 1385-1403 (1993)
4 Alexander Gersht, Kyoo Jeong Lee: A Congestion Control Framework for ATM Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 9(7): 1119-1130 (1991)
3 Alexander Gersht, Robert Weihmayer: Joint Optimization of Data Network Design and Facility Selection. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 8(9): 1667-1681 (1990)
2 Alexander Gersht, Kyoo Jeong Lee: A Congestion Control Framework for ATM Networks. INFOCOM 1989: 701-710
1 Michael Epelman, Alexander Gersht: Asymptotic Qualitative Analysis of a Packet-Switched Virtual Circuit Network. INFOCOM 1984: 291-298

Coauthor Index

1Michael Epelman [1]
2Shaygan Kheradpir [5]
3Kyoo Jeong Lee [2] [4]
4Alexander Shulman [7]
5Willis Stinson [5]
6Jelena Vucetic [5] [6]
7Robert Weihmayer [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)